
Godzilla got busy.
May 1, 2012

The great innovators of our time :blessed:

I think we need an update :leon:


May 6, 2012
There are certain features that I want that neither are talking about... they could be game changers. But overall I'm interested in psn network. Sony heads are quick to down features like that's a BS feature who wants that console... Any extra feature is a win. So if it does anything with TV its a win. Its not like I'm not going to watch tv. not to mention that if sony had these features people would be loving it.

I don't really eff with Apple... My Archos was playing mp3's and video as well as recording it before any ipod was made. But they are innovative. Apple is mostly brand loyalty mixed with stupid people. Their products don't seem to be worth the price to me. Plus they blatantly try to avoid paying taxes.

I'm not sold on any fighting game and Ryse does look questionable but It would get played way before Octodad and Knack. Driveclub doesn't look good either. Killzone LOOKS great but you don't buy nba live and nba 2k in the same year. If the multiplayer is good and 60fps it might be a factor. But overall as questionable as they may look I'm taking forza dead rising 3 KI, Ryse over Killzone. I wouldn't play the other ps4 games and neither would you which is why you didn't mention them.

What kills me is how people talk about how adequate psn is. You ask how good the service is... They say free games. Nah I'm not talking about free games I'm talking about online play. Nobody has ever referred to it as good. Its fine or its good enough. Or you can hardly tell the difference. I can tell. I need to hear about what they are doing to bridge the gap. If y'all don't admit their is a gap neither will they. maybe I'm weird. But I honestly haven't played a ps2 or xbox game since the 360 game out. So if you are offering me free games for a console of last gen it doesn't appeal to me. In the grand scheme of things psn is cheaper than gamefly but that's pretty much what it is. Free last gen games does nothing for my online play. I'd love to hear about some of the new features of psn that xbox live didn't already have. I'd love to hear about their investments to make online play decent.

Its cool if they have more out there. I think that's great. I don't have stock in either company. Xbox360 and ps3 sold like 80 million each. I don't think I played online with more than a few thousand different people. All I want is for people to stop telling me Sony is for the people and how much they love their policies then I pick up the newest Sony games (used) and have to pay to get online.
How do you want people to answer that?? You're dealing with something with so many variables so your experience may vary but as a user of both PSN/Xbox Live over the years, the difference in actual service is negligible. The advantages Xbox 360 has over PS3 which people erroneously credit Xbox live for is due to its RAM.

360 had 512mb ram which allowed it to have cross game chat and a slightly faster GUI which made everything feel more responsive.PS3 on the other hand doesn't have this feature so people just claim PSN isn't as good but with the Vita recently released, I beg to differ. Thanks to the increased RAM in the Vita, it allows for those very features Xbox live subscribers are accustomed to.

Online matchmaking between the games work damn near the same and people will be hypocritical when it comes to do it due to their biases. A game with it's own bad network code if on PS3 will result in said person claiming PSN is bad. The same situation on Xbox live and it's just the game and it's own faults and Xbox live is not looked at.

Chatter and the feel of a community vary on a game by game basis and if you're on XBL it's been ghost town for lone wolves since everyone is in their own chat rooms. Games such as TLOU, Uncharted 3, Killzone 3 and PASBR have very talkative communities whereas BF3 not so much since you're relegated to squads and it splits the communication among the whole team.


Jun 22, 2012
How do you want people to answer that?? You're dealing with something with so many variables so your experience may vary but as a user of both PSN/Xbox Live over the years, the difference in actual service is negligible. The advantages Xbox 360 has over PS3 which people erroneously credit Xbox live for is due to its RAM.

360 had 512mb ram which allowed it to have cross game chat and a slightly faster GUI which made everything feel more responsive.PS3 on the other hand doesn't have this feature so people just claim PSN isn't as good but with the Vita recently released, I beg to differ. Thanks to the increased RAM in the Vita, it allows for those very features Xbox live subscribers are accustomed to.

Online matchmaking between the games work damn near the same and people will be hypocritical when it comes to do it due to their biases. A game with it's own bad network code if on PS3 will result in said person claiming PSN is bad. The same situation on Xbox live and it's just the game and it's own faults and Xbox live is not looked at.

Chatter and the feel of a community vary on a game by game basis and if you're on XBL it's been ghost town for lone wolves since everyone is in their own chat rooms. Games such as TLOU, Uncharted 3, Killzone 3 and PASBR have very talkative communities whereas BF3 not so much since you're relegated to squads and it splits the communication among the whole team.

How much ram did the PS3 have?