Fair enough. I still think most people that are into this sort of stuff just want to feel like they're better than the next man, though.
That's one of the first things you drop coming into this knowledge. We are supposed to become enlightened to the fact that we are one human race, part of a collective consciousness or awareness. We see all as God created, despite any religion, Creed, race, anything that separates us. Thus "Heaven on Earth" is achieved.
It's the Ego that thinks as a pyramid, im better than you or vice versa. But enlightenment thinks as a circle, we are all learning how to live as equals.
But that's the issue; we live in an ego driven, society construct. It thinks as a hierarchy, and creates the problems of the world today.
Enlightenment isn't a religion or a belief so to say. It's an uncovering of universal truths and knowledge. It's as simple as "The Sun shines on all of Us"
It's like when Stewie and Bryan were in that Hot Air balloon and they look down and they saw Earth as a map vs seeing life as it is, without (man made) borders