@The Electric Lady :)


thaKEAF aint never lied
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Steel City
@FLYINHAWAIIAN is a proud member of the tranny group on here :scust:

The Electric Lady

Post and toke
Oct 16, 2012
Just wanna say I joined the coli for TSC. Most of my posts are in TSC. I joined because I thought it was a good wrestling forum and I wanted a space to talk about wrestling. Nothing more. I was never going to post bikini pics. I only said that to keep you sorry ass simps off my back, which in retro respect was a mistake. For a website that regularly bytches about inequality, Charmander's thread in TLR is one of the worst things I've come across on this site, and it is staff sanctioned. The thread is a hellhole of bigotry, and yet you expected me to come out and not deny being trans? Get a clue.

I never came here to trick anyone. I just wanted for talk about wrestling and have fun. It isn't my fault so many people on this site are losers who have to send random dikk pics and pm's to girls because they can't get laid but don't have the social aptitude to realize that they're going to die alone with their hands on their dikk.

I have never came up to any man on this site. Any talk about meeting or flirting came from the men. So don't you dare say that Im some infiltrator when I could give two fukks about you simps and it's doubly not my fault the bulk of the posters on this site are total cornball losers. No one told me about the coli. I found out about it myself in 2012 and saw that you had a great wrestling forum so I joined to hang out there. End story. Not every trans person is an infiltrator or has an agenda, you high school drop out conspiracy theorists.

For a forum full of black people and people who get their panties twisted because of racism, ya'll sure do act like complete ******s, Chris Rock style. Especially when it comes to people who are different from you. You all make me ashamed to be black.

Btw hip hop sucks and will be a dead genre within ten years. Enjoy, your bigotry, because you've already lost the war.


Apr 30, 2014
Just wanna say I joined the coli for TSC. Most of my posts are in TSC. I joined because I thought it was a good wrestling forum and I wanted a space to talk about wrestling. Nothing more. I was never going to post bikini pics. I only said that to keep you sorry ass simps off my back, which in retro respect was a mistake. For a website that regularly bytches about inequality, Charmander's thread in TLR is one of the worst things I've come across on this site, and it is staff sanctioned. The thread is a hellhole of bigotry, and yet you expected me to come out and not deny being trans? Get a clue.

I never came here to trick anyone. I just wanted for talk about wrestling and have fun. It isn't my fault so many people on this site are losers who have to send random dikk pics and pm's to girls because they can't get laid but don't have the social aptitude to realize that they're going to die alone with their hands on their dikk.

I have never came up to any man on this site. Any talk about meeting or flirting came from the men. So don't you dare say that Im some infiltrator when I could give two fukks about you simps and it's doubly not my fault the bulk of the posters on this site are total cornball losers. No one told me about the coli. I found out about it myself in 2012 and saw that you had a great wrestling forum so I joined to hang out there. End story. Not every trans person is an infiltrator or has an agenda, you high school drop out conspiracy theorists.

For a forum full of black people and people who get their panties twisted because of racism, ya'll sure do act like complete ******s, Chris Rock style. Especially when it comes to people who are different from you. You all make me ashamed to be black.

Btw hip hop sucks and will be a dead genre within ten years. Enjoy, your bigotry, because you've already lost the war.
Well damn :dwillhuh:
I can see why you are frustrated, but this is taking things pretty far :whoa: