The economy is actually bad

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
So you can't respond to a single thing in the post, your only thought is a spelling error. :mjlol:

You went from "it's been documented that Zelensky is siphoning the money to his own pockets" to "it must be true because it feels true."

You are the most obvious agent on this board, and among the most ignorant.
like talking to a child. you're a buffoon


the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
Havn't heard of this...

breh, just google hunter biden's corruption. he's a fukking disgrace

and he's not guilty of anything that jared kushner or george w bush isn't. it's all of DC, top to bottom, democrats and republicans. pelosi is one of the worst insider trading criminals DC has ever seen

but to watch bootlickers like @Rhakim play stupid about it is disgusting

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
like talking to a child. you're a buffoon

You're a fukking idiot, that entire article is about corruption in the WEST. :laff:

He starts off with one sentence admitting that Ukraine has had corruption in the past (linking to a wikipedia article that shows corruption in the 2005-2018 period, followed by a strong crackdown on corruption by Zelensky), and then spends the entire rest of the article pointing out that Ukraine is no more corrupt than any Western country and even PRAISES Ukraine's crackdown on corruption during the war.

In fact, the war may have some salutary effects on Ukraine’s battle against corruption. True, there have been war profiteers (think of Rhett Butler in “Gone with the Wind”), but there’s also been a crackdown on government officials and oligarchs. Far more important, Ukrainian civil society has only gotten stronger as a result of the war, and it is fully committed to reducing corruption. So, too, are the soldiers risking their lives for the sake of what they expect to be a clean and prosperous Ukraine.

Does Ukraine have a problem with corruption? Obviously.

Does that entitle Western countries to wag their fingers with self-serving braggadocio? No, not really.

As the U.S. Government Accountability Office reports, “the amount of fraud in unemployment insurance (UI) programs during the COVID-19 pandemic was likely between $100 billion and $135 billion. This is about 11 percent and 15 percent, respectively, of the total amount of UI benefits paid during the pandemic.” One suspects that about the same amount has been diverted from Western aid to Ukraine.

The German news magazine Der Spiegel explains “why Austria is attractive for Putin’s oligarchs”: “Since Vladimir Putin has ruled, wealthy Russians have increasingly flocked to Austria — attracted by a very special welcoming culture.” As the University of Birmingham’s Elisabeth Schimpfössl pithily puts it, “Money can open doors in Austria.”

Squeaky clean Estonia has also had its share of problems recently. Prime Minister Kaja Kallas’s husband owns stock in a company that still does business in Russia, despite his nation’s strong support of Ukraine. In her defense, Kallas “cited similarities with a controversy over the British prime minister’s wife, Akshata Murty, who was last year found to be receiving dividends from her stake in IT services company Infosys, which was still operating in Russia.”

London, Paris, Berlin, New York, and a host of other cities and off-shore havens have welcomed all manner of Russian monies in their banking and real estate sectors. The U.K. tried to tighten its rules in 2022, but with little success: “Britain’s experience highlights the challenges for governments trying to increase transparency in an effort to combat the flow of illicit funds.”

The United States is no stranger to high-level corruption as well. Former presidents and their spouses receive astronomical speaking fees. Former government officials routinely leverage their connections on behalf of the private sector. The Supreme Court’s landmark 2010 ruling that “struck down a ban on corporations spending money on behalf of candidates in political campaigns” effectively legalized bribery.

Then there’s Hunter Biden and, far more egregiously, Donald Trump. And who can forget former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl’s slush fund (he never agreed to disclose just who were the recipients of the cash) or former French President Jacques Chirac’s conviction for embezzling public funds while he was mayor of Paris? Or the Qatari corruption scandal that implicated highly placed officials of the European Parliament in 2022?

Here’s what the European Commission concluded in 2014: “The extent of corruption in Europe is ‘breathtaking’ and it costs the EU economy at least 120 billion euros annually. … EU Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmstroem … said the true cost of corruption was ‘probably much higher’ than 120 billion.” Indeed, according to Malmstroem, “The extent of the problem in Europe is breathtaking.”

Ukraine would be lucky to have the European Union’s “breathtaking” levels of corruption, of course. As Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index and the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index show, Ukraine still has a long way to go before it reaches the levels found in Malmstroem’s country, Sweden. But it’s also important to remember that most of Europe has a long way to go before they reach Sweden.

As these examples suggest, Ukraine is not uniquely corrupt or uniquely unwelcoming to business. It’s roughly in the same neighborhood as Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary — all of which have long been members of the EU. And, unlike Hungary and Poland (another EU member), Ukraine’s record on democracy hasn’t gotten worse, despite the fact that it was largely ignored by the EU and NATO, and is now in the throes of a bloody war with Russia.

In fact, the war may have some salutary effects on Ukraine’s battle against corruption. True, there have been war profiteers (think of Rhett Butler in “Gone with the Wind”), but there’s also been a crackdown on government officials and oligarchs. Far more important, Ukrainian civil society has only gotten stronger as a result of the war, and it is fully committed to reducing corruption. So, too, are the soldiers risking their lives for the sake of what they expect to be a clean and prosperous Ukraine.

The West could make a huge difference by repeating its behavior toward Eastern European candidates for EU and NATO membership several decades ago. After both institutions opened their doors to Eastern Europe — but notably not to Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova — the Eastern Europeans had a powerful incentive to get their houses in order.

The same would happen in Ukraine. Instead of providing money for countless rule of law projects and pointing fingers at corrupt officials, the West needs to help Ukraine win the war decisively — after all, corruption becomes moot if Ukraine ceases to exist — and immediately begin negotiations on Ukraine’s membership in the EU and NATO. Membership in Western institutions is no guarantee of full-scale honesty, but the prospect of membership does guarantee a strengthening of efforts at full-scale honesty.

Like other people, Ukrainians are rational and will respond to incentives. Even the corruptioneers and oligarchs will be inclined abandon their corrupt ways if they know there’s a good material reason to do so.

You really don't read jack shyt, do you? You should have stuck to posting tweets, those are the only things short enough for you to know what they say. :russ:
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the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
You're a fukking idiot, that entire article is about corruption in the WEST, there isn't one word actually demonstrating Ukrainian corruption in the whole thing. :laff:

You really don't read jack shyt, do you? You should have stuck to posting tweets, those are the only things short enough for you to know what they say. :russ:
i can't refute your bootlicking routine

you're right, breh. we gave ukraine 100 billion dollars, and none of it got siphoned off at the top, because CNN told you so

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
i can't refute your bootlicking routine

you're right, breh. we gave ukraine 100 billion dollars, and none of it got siphoned off at the top, because CNN told you so

Your own fukking article that YOU posted said that Ukraine has cracked down on corruption. :dead:

Just give it up breh. I'm sure ignorance and one-liners worked fine for you in high school, but you can't partake in a real political discussion unless you can actually read something, and you never do. Googling randomly and then posting the first headline you see keeps getting you embarrassed.
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the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
so you arent sure of the exact source you saw this information?
:beli: tell me you aren't fukking playing stupid about hunter biden influence peddling

i already told you that jared kushner was worse. no one is singling out your precious democrats

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
Your own fukking article that YOU posted said that Ukraine has cracked down on corruption. :dead:

Just give it up breh. I'm sure ignorance and one-liners worked fine for you in high school, but you can't partake in a real political discussion unless you can actually read something, and you never do. Googling randomly and then posting the first headline you see keeps getting you embarrassed.
i've never seen you partake in a political discussion, without the democrats' dikk parked in your mouth

you don't resemble anything like an objective poster. and you're one of the smartest dudes on here, but you resort to this embarrassing nonsense

like, watch this; why do you think men should he allowed in women's sports, as the democrats suggest? or are they wrong?


Nov 20, 2014
But they got all the money in the world for Ukraine
A value attached to a bomb, tank or ammunition isn't $. It's the value of the equipment going over there. A $500M aid package isn't $500M cash. It's 500M worth of equipment. It's forcing the US to also upgrade there current equipment faster. The US economy is built on a military always being at perpetual war. So here we are. It's also weakening a major US for and forcing Europe to fund their own militaries. This is a good thing I the long term.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
you're one of the smartest dudes on here

I think that perception triggers you a lot.

i've never seen you partake in a political discussion, without the democrats' dikk parked in your mouth

You're such a bad liar. Here's a quick selection of posts just from this year - and I had some MUCH stronger ones from previous years.

Establishment democrats in a nutshell. Surprised you said the quiet part out loud.

They basically like the way things are, they just don't want Republicans to turn back the clock, and they're completely blind to how fukked up the world is at the moment and can't understand those who do see it.
You're talking about someone with a democrat mayor, democrat governor, democratic president, and you still reverted to "Blame the Republicans!" :laff:

What's the point of even pumping a Democrat for president if you don't think he has any impact on actual people in the states?
The vast majority of non-voters got that way on their own, due to disillusionment with democrats that the Democratic Party inflicted on themselves. Stop blaming others for your own fukkups.
Which is why so many people have stopped voting for the Democrats, dumbass.

There was a time in the past where people really believed that democrats were for the union worker over the employer and the small business over the corporation. In the 80s and 90s, the party leadership fully turned itself over to neoliberalism and destroyed their image, then spent the 2000s cementing their new identity. The white working class responded by switching to the Republicans and the black working class responded by checking out of elections.

Imagine if the Democrats actually ran like they cared about that as much as we do. :skip:
No one trusted Biden or thought he cared about the things that matter.
lol, so is anyone who defends Biden a straight racist, considering how many times he's pushed racist positions or defended racists? By your argument, howw could he call segregationist "heroes" and refer to Strorm Thurmond as a great man "like Robert E. Lee" if he wasn't feeling the same way? You know, since you believe guilt by association is valid.

Joe Biden's Praise for Segregationists Spans Decades | JFP Mobile | Jackson, Mississippi
That's why it's bullshyt for you to claim those groups are enthusiastic for Democrats and Biden just because they're not voting for Republicans. Most of them aren't voting at all.
Great excuse. Now, what's the excuse for when Obama had the presidency, a solid progressive mandate, and 59 or 60 Dems in the Senate, yet still gifted corporations and banks with damn near the most pro-corporate response imaginable to the economic crisis? Do you not realize that half the young voters you lost were lost right there, they weren't lost from any Synema bullshyt.

Paul Volcker, Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin, Lawrence Summers, Timothy Geithner....who nominated these people to control our economy? Was that Manchin's fault too?

How about when a dozen Democratic senators (including Feinstein!) voted for Bush's massive 2001 tax cuts and then nearly as many (including Feinstein, Carper, and Wyden) signed on to his Medicare corporate giveaway?

How about when Clinton and numerous democratic legislators decided to join the Republicans and double down on deregulation during the 1990s?

We could go on and on.

I have dozens more like that just from this year:
I believe that if we continued Biden policies indefinitely, we would face 100% risk of environmental collapse.
WAY too many Democrats are themselves on the side of landlords and housing speculators, and don't want reform anyway because personal profits are more important to them.
Do you feel like the country and the world, if they continued with, say, first term Obama policies, would be on a positive, sustainable track? Do you believe that global warming would somehow stop, that constant growth economy would somehow be sustainable, that the environment would somehow not tap out, and that the wealth gap would somehow close? I just want to check exactly how deluded you are.
She announced again that she's not retiring:

Also, Pelosi is a fukking clown:
It was dumb political posturing, which is not uncommon for the Democrats
I don't even like the Democrats and don't support the party
I mentioned that Democrats used to be in part a party of rural sustainability, family farmers, unions, and small businesses, which are all good, important parts of American life that are threatened by corporate control. Losing ground on those issues (as neolibs have done since 1980s by buying into corporate bullshyt), has cost the Dems a lot of their coalition.
I'm not for the democratic party, dumbass, so which one of us lacks nuance now? I use these exact same arguments against neoliberals and establishment Democrats.
Claiming it has anything whatsoever to do about "sexism" is a bunch of bullshyt from Pelosi.
It's noteworthy that Democrats and Republicans both have appointed pretty much the same people there. If we want to end capitalism, then there's gonna be a lot of dead weight to throw out of those institutions.
Unfortunately, nearly 100% of Republicans and the majority of rich Democrats don't wish to do that. They think it's their right to make money off of charging rent, forcing poor people to take out loans, and exploiting workers just because they don't have capital.
Just because Black folk ain't voting for Republicans dorsn't mean that the Democrats have been getting folk to vote for them either.
Difference between OP and me is that he blames Black people for that, while I think the democrats have been doing a ton to leave votes on the table.
So yeah, even if you ignore all the racist shyt Biden did in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, (opposing integration, opposing bussing, saying white people didn't owe black people anything, working with segregationists, praising segregationists, praising confederate flag fliers, kissing ass in the south, creating mass incarceration, etc.), he STILL has a shytty history in the 2000s and 2010s.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
like, watch this; why do you think men should he allowed in women's sports, as the democrats suggest? or are they wrong?


I've answered that exact same question from you numerous times, and always said I think it's wrong. Yet you keep saying that I suppor everything the democrats do and will never answer that question. Do you have brain damage?

pick a shill in here, any shill. ask them if they believe that men should be allowed to play women's sports. they wont answer :laff:
Not only do you constantly deflect to the dumbest culture war shyt you can find, but you also like to openly lie about other posters here.

I'm 100% against anything born out of hatred and shyt, but you gotta have real rules. If testosterone got you through puberty then you shouldn't be in women's sports.

I am 100% in favor of the human rights of trans (and LGBT in general) folk. I am 100% against them getting arbitrarily discriminated against or being victimized by violence and in fact I once physically intervened when witnessing an assault. And I'm fine with calling people whatever they want to be called.

But I also believe that sex/gender really has a true biological basis, and that people born biologically male shouldn't compete in women's sports.

taking it personally when someone calls out tranny shills :laff:who mentioned you?

but im glad you agree that liberals and democrats are wrong on this issue. its just not a difficult position to take

and yet, when i ask "should men with a penis be allowed to play women's sports? are the republicans right or wrong about that"?

your direct, non-disingenuous answer is; what?
Why are you ignoring my direct, non-disingenuous answer? Your claim that no one would answer it was already proven wrong, so what is there left for you to fish for?

you're gonna lose on this issue. you've already lost. trehs in women's sports is so intellectually, morally bankrupt that even a bad faith shill like you can't defend it. yet it's the official position of the democratic party
WTF are you talking about? That has absolutely nothing to do with the thread, I'm not a democrat, and I personally don't support biological males playing girls sports (or honestly transitioning at all, from my own religious perspective).

This is at least the 4th time you've asked the same fukking question and I've answered it the same way every time. Is your life so pathetic that you have nothing to do other than troll? What, you get home from work, walking into your empty home, sign onto your computer, and then just troll until it's time to go to sleep again?

What a fulfilling existence. :skip:

Roger king

May 24, 2022
The economy is actually bad. The labor force participation rate doesn't mean shyt in this world of smartphone app delivery gopher gig work. I noticed you didn't even bother with the unemployment rate since you probably know, as I do, that the unemployment rate hasn't measured unemployment since the 1970's. The economy... is actually bad.

No it is not. The rate at which inflation is increasing has slowed. This is being misreported everywhere as "inflation is down."
That isnt factually acurrate, thats objectively false. The economy has had several months of consecutive job growth with higher job numbers than expected, the labor force participation rate is high, boom in electric manufacturing . Inflation is at its lowest point in the last two years, it has fallen down to 3percent.
It is simply false to say the US economy is bad thats just fantasy. Also the us has among the lowest inflation rate in comparison to other developed countries, ie the UK, the inflation is a global phenomenon and issue and the US economy is holding up well