This was awesome! As a long time fan of The Room, I appreciate the tone and balance of humor with seriousness that was conveyed. Both James Franco and his brother Dave are really good as Tommy and Greg. I loved the pacing, and the choices that they made for which moments from the book to highlight. I think though, even if you have not read the book or seen The Room (which you should!), you will appreciate this bizarre little tale of these two guys’ struggle of trying to break into the film industry. As funny and weird as Tommy’s story is, at the heart, their struggle, desire, and disappointment with trying to break into the film industry is all too common in Hollywood. The only difference is that Tommy Wiseau had the means to make his own movie and cast his friend. I still would like to know where this man got all this money from, but I guess until he fesses up or someone exposes him, no one will know. There was applause at the end of our showing and we left the theatre smiling. Make sure you stay for the ending credits, where you can see how clips of The Room match up to James and company’s reenactment.
9/10 for me.
9/10 for me.