G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman
Logic Is Absent Wherever Hate Is Present
I'm gonna ride the season out just to see how it ends but David Simon can do better than this.
Yes and I really despised her character since season one. She has a pretentious, arrogant attitude towards the working girl when she use to be buss it open her damn self.. That's why I was glad when that director made her suck him off to get that check to finish her movie. I hope she dies before season's end.God Maggie gylenHall is hideous
She has a pretentious, arrogant attitude towards the working girl when she use to be buss it open her damn self.
Show is definitely not as good without the pimpsWhat happened to Chris partlow?
How come Paul doesn’t have aids too?
yea...the most exciting parts of these episodes takes place in the final 10 mins & w/o the pimps and there interactions with the other characters and worlds in the show, things are pretty lifeless and dull. I'll still watch but things need to pick up a lot more next episode because right now, the show is falling incredibly flat