Mike the Executioner
What went on up there? Poppers and weird sex!
Interesting,, but wasnt hunter the one who gave her that trashhugger gimmick in nxt..?
Did he? I didn't know. It got over, though. Over like a fat rat. Bayley made that gimmick work to its fullest potential and the crowd loved her. It helped that she put on great matches, but she was the best pure babyface on the roster.
Then she gets fed to Alexa ten million times and it's curtains for her. Do you know how much effort it takes to have the whole crowd booing someone as lovable as Bayley when she's announcing her injury? There's a great thread from around that time you can check out where we're all talking about how her character was murdered.
I didn't even mention the fact that her and Sasha lost the tag titles at WrestleMania 35, to the point where Sasha leaves for four months out of frustration. What happens the night after? Bayley loses to Alexa in her first match back for no reason. Pretty sure they gave her MITB/the title out of sympathy since they killed her and Sasha's plans for the tag titles.