Art Barr
You just explained why he's not being pushed. Dude put his eggs in the Rock Cosplayer basket, and when the real deal is around, he's nothing.
You mean cripple ache is threatened.
That two people more talented than him are on card. Sohh we get the subterfuge son in law burial routine.
Similar to how cripple ache was getting lapped by Eugene in every possible way. As the second coming of wwe's mick.
As all wrasslin is based off biting.
the rock is don muraco meets billy graham archetype.
Duh-tay = a bit of thunderbolt.
The higher power = bit black acorpion and daniels
ric flair... that cripple ache covers is a bit of buddy and George.
Sohh what'chu saying...
Nuffin but fan boy mark based nonsense.
Wtasslin is completely juxtaposed from hiphop with biting. As well as weekly marketing anything that will stick. Devoid of culture norms. Soh so how are you trying to authenicate cripple ache biting fritz von to flair.
Or even speaking in that manner of response.
Go dig in the crate sir. Your mark label is showing.
Art Barr