My girlfriend in Costa-Rica only dates black men, period . She wants to have a black baby. She
"cringes at the thought of having a baby by a latino dude". These are her one words, btw.
She also told me her mother cheated on her dad with a black dude. Ive met several of her friends who brag and joke about wanting black men but they are all married to latinos, tho.
My homeboy (haitian dude) who lives there pretty much gets all the p*ssy there is to get in the San-Pedro area of San Jose. Mofo barely has time to sleep fukking with all these brawds down there. But these same brawds you run into them in the street on sunday afternoon with their family and latino boyfriends and it's family time and some families many be on that
But she'll send a text later saying
"hola papi. Will you be at El Quartel tomorrow night. I want to see you"