Yep, College, and life in general will fly by pretty quickly. I feel I hit myself with a double whammy in college and I just graduated. How you ask?
Well in college, there are 3 factions of people in general:
1. The people that only study and end up with 3.5 GPAs+, lot of organization and outside class experience and use college as a huge boost to their future ambitions
2. The people that never studied and only cared about the social aspects of college. Partying, girls, events, just having little responsibility etc They barely graduate and immediate job prospects are grim. Further education is off the cards entirely. 2.1 GPAs and such, and in non-STEM fields at that.
3. The in betweens. Partied, but still kinda did their work. Got some good internship and activity experience but they weren't like superstars. Usually your 3.0 average student that can get the job done.
Then there's me.
I never really partied because I felt I could use that time to study, instead, I would never study and I'd just wind up smoking and blowing off my work. So I essentially played myself for about 3 years before I got a grip. I graduated with about a 2.07 but I will say I managed 4 internships with one of them being in Asia (I'm black by the way). So I graduated with the grades of a dude that just partied and pulled girls but without actually having done that to the extent one would think.