Many people lament a public accounting career for the reasons you stated. You work long hours comparable to investment banking but you are not making anywhere near the salaries those in that industry make. People also cite that the work they do doesn't make a difference, which isn't necessarily true.
The reason why people go through this is because public accounting is one of the few careers where you learn a lot very quickly, put in front of clients almost immediately, and earn a salary that puts you in the middle class of the US. Although I'm not too familiar with firms outside the United States, career progression in a public firm is similar. Your exit opportunities are also better in general than other industries. It is not unusual to get a job working for the client of your firm. In fact, it is basically welcomed, as that is another potential business connection if/when you move up to become a decision maker within that company. You start in a firm, get your CPA, and exit when the time is right.
Majoring in Accounting/Finance isn't a bad idea, it's what I did

. I do wish I learned a little more about Information Systems, but I'm going to do that on my own. Based on your post, consulting might be an area you are looking for. The consulting arms within CPA firms do pay more than audit, from what I've seen.
I'll be working in the wonderful world of public accounting starting next month. I'm going to start studying for the CPA hardcore starting next week, as I have the first section scheduled for early January.