This Cowboys dynasty will never end.....(damn they just caught Mike with coke and strippers again
Bulls, greatest team ever. Wonder if other dudes will start "retiring" like MJ.
Jamie Foxx got his own show? Damn that Fancy broad looking good.
Will Smith finna be a megastar.
Disney was on a roll but this Hunchback of Notre Dame shyt...?
Can't lie, I'd smash Esmeralda. But how she gonna play Quasimodo like that?
Hope the Gators learned their lesson. Nebraska tore that azz up. They lucky Tommie Frazier gone. Dunno about this "Big 12" nonsense.
Awww shyt Jimmy Johnson AND Marino? Dolphins finna make moves.
This East Coast vs. West Coast beef is getting played.
It's time to get live, it's time to represent, Sunset Park what time is it?!!!
UPN = United Programming for Negroes?
Damn Steve, why you still chasing Laura? Show finna end up on CBS keep fukkin around.
"Surely I realize, you're the highest of the high...." this Maxwell cat is smooth
Bob Dole...nah Clinton finna get em. Slick Willie getting 2 terms. Need to watch himself around them heauxs.
Michael Johnson got me looking for golden spikes. What does this nikka eat?