I hate loses like this... they always happen after awhile do to championship level ego and boredom.
This is like when Silva lost the first time from taunting.
Once you start going 10-0 decimating your weight class you start ignoring what got you there and thinkinh you can do whatever. "I'm gonna box the champion boxer, taunt, drop my hands, throw kicks with reckless abandon knowing that the a check will make it so I'm basically slamming my shin against a telephone pole. Stupid shyt.
Not saying Holly or Weidman could not have potentially beat Silva or Rousey, I just hate seeing people lose from being reckless bordering into foolish.
Ronda basically recycled the gameplan of Cat Zigano... after seeing how ridiculous it is up close.

This is why Nate/Nick Diaz always lose. They just walk foward in a straight line like its a schoolyard scrap and not a worldclass bout.