Not sure if u are

or not but my gripe is there was a time when we'd have movies like this but also a wesley snipes playing the hero in a big budget blockbuster.And that was cool cuz it showed americas ugly past on one hand and how far blacks have come (in the present) on the other.All in all there was a balance & we werent short of a black presence on film.. But now it seems the only time we get blacks in these star studded flix its to show them in an unflattering light as downtrodden, ugly, victims of racism. The help, The butler, Django unchained,7 years a slave.But whats happened to flash of such movies which are just as empowering (in another way) as blade, action jackson, passenger 57, beverly hills cop
what the hell is going on
I agree...I'm tired of this mess. What the hell has happened? For a minute, it felt like we had finally gotten over that "hood movie/civil rights movie" hump....but we're right back at it.
^ You mean to tell me that this cat has NO want of putting out a regular ass black movie? He can stay in his drama lane and actually put out something uplifting for the people. Instead he wants to tell the story of Precious and this Butler. I respect black artistry, but cot damn.
Steve McQueen has also been a let down...dude let Fassbender get his IR on...than when it's time to work with some bruthas, it's a fukking slave movie.
After Earth ain't lookin' so bad right now....
There's a million other black stories in African American history that could have been told instead of these typical subservient slave/butler/maid roles.
Plus I can tell it's just gonna make the Black Panthers look bad when they played a very important and vital role in the struggle of black folk which inspired millions worldwide....I bet it's just gonna be on some 'the Black Panthers were some angry, uppity, loud, troublesome negros who were making it hard for the rest of the church going, law abiding black folk who know their place' shyt. I ain't got time for the NBPP of today, but apart from Van Peebles' Panther movie, we're not gonna much see much fair portrayals of them.
I'd rather have seen Forest Whitaker play Marcus Garvey but we all know that ain't gonna happen.
Saying all that, David Oyelowo and especially Aml Ameen have a come a looong way.
Not just African American history, but look at black history as a whole and

SO ripe for picking stories from, many never been told on film. If only we could get our shyt together....
You've got whites like Brad Pitt playing Achilles, and all these historical white movies...imagine a movie based off of the
Epic of Sundiata....
That shyt with the Black Panthers is foul as hell....Lee Daniels should fukking know better. You still have people out there that think they were "the black KKK"....this was one of the most politically progressive groups that the United States has ever seen. fukking idiots playing into that "omg, militancy oh no" shyt. This is a group that organized free breakfasts for schoolchildren....
Another "black movie" I need to skip, shame.