Kenny West
People have calculated numbers with algorithms and other estimates. The potential prices with even modest estimates are numbers folks would find ridiculous, you probably already seen "100k is not a meme" floating around.Did you sell? The question is with GME when is it high enough to sell and if it will perform previously a huge dip and then bounce back higher?
The reddit forum doesn't provide statistics but diamond hands and memes.
Without even calculating SI hidden by naked shorting this could hit 10k a share. An investment firm (Blackrock I think?) back in February went on Fox Business and said had a PT of 1000....this was back when the price was in the 50s. A lot has happened since then.
The problem is financial media has released nothing but FUD and misleading information. They told us the shorts covered back in January and the SI was released a week later showing 78%.
They even changed the rules for the FINRA Short Interest to include synthetic longs. But the price calculations are still high as fukk even with shady information.
As far as another huge dip, not tomorrow. GME gets put on the short sale restriction list tomorrow because it fell 10% from the open price today.
Now there are hundreds of new (i mean brand new) gme calls for 300-400 ordered after hours today.... This is amazing. Our whales might be going for the gamma after setting the shorts up with a bear trap.