Have some of you people missed the #metoo movement or something?????
Even small companies have a 'no banging the coworker' policies that are fire-able offenses because of the legal repercussions you open the company up to if something goes south in the relationship. All it takes is one comment to HR from someone inside the company about it happening, and they will get you both up outta there with the quickness.
Not take that up to a top NBA team with one of the highest team values, and make that man the head coach and pretend like it would be less severe??? LOL
How they don't just fire him is almost beyond me. The amount of shyt they open themselves up to by keeping him and not letting him go is probably because they know they are trying to break the racists Boston label and don't want to add fuel to that story.
Stuck between Me Too and Racist labels....SMH.
Ime looking like he did a number on Wyc with this shyt.