the BLACK lungs of 52-year-old chain smoker who puffed a pack a day for 30 years

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
When these type of articles come out, cats that smoke green, suddenly turn into scientists, and start doing, all types of mental gymnastics to distance themselves from the effects of smoking...

Na ngga...your shyt looks like, or is gonna look like charcoal pork-chops too, from all that smoke inhalation...:umad:

They certainly don't look like mines. I'm a non-smoker...:jawalrus:

Live in denial tho. "You gotta crawl before you walk..." ass nggas....


Do you drink alcohol?


Jesus Loves you...Your Cat doesn't. {#Dogset}
Sep 2, 2015
I don’t smoke but what @Address_Unknown says makes sense.

Yes weed is going to be harmful but smoking Cigs which have tar and other shyt is going to make your lungs look even worse.

What is mental gymnastics about that :gucci:

nikkas need something to make themselves superior to others, it seems? Gives off endorphins or somethin'.:manny:
Now I can see where a person might just lump weed smokers in with cig smokers since we all introducing something into our lungs that we shouldn't and in a sense, lessening the harmful effects of something you can do without is sorta stupid in retrospect....but you need to draw the lines and have a contrast between the two, especially when it comes to the damage and toll it has on the body.

What's even more funny is folk who say they don't do "X" and proclaim it, more than likely out here eating ass, raw dogging randoms, chugging liquor and eating Glued meat by the ton and being totally wanton with their health in whatever way their vice leans, but to each his own. I also make it a point to shut down any fellow herb smokers that act like smoking straight up green isn't having some sort of negative effect to their lungs even though the problems might take longer to manifest.

One of the many reasons I stopped smoking blunts save for the occasional cypher and bought vaporizers/Bubblers/bongs to reduce how much combusted smoke I consume.

any SMOKE in your lungs is bad for you . idgaf what natural weed or whatever you smoke , the shyt is common sense. nikkas be coughin on the weed like thats whats natural lol . be real with yaself, if you smoke you smoke. if you dont , you dont . dont lie about it tho

vaping isnt smoking tho , that i agree.

It ain't, but the process of introducing vapor to your lungs isn't without it's caveats and problems, since all vapor ain't exactly created equal. The two man types of vaporization, Conduction (Heating the Herb) and Convection (Passing hot air over the herb) while similar can lead most cats to buying conduction vaporizers which are pound for pound more common than convection vapes, since they are usually smaller and cheaper.

Now most folk would want to go with the smaller cheaper option (Myself included when I started) since a truly convection Vaporizer costs and the options aren't as varied as conduction. So you go ahead and cop a conduction vape, and then realize after using it that it develops problems that you may not notice if you're not careful that can secretly harm you in ways you didn't want. Like perfect example, I copped the Da Vinci Iq (Nice little upper mid tier conduction vape) and felt like I was doing myself all the best and then realized after a solid 2,3 months of use, I'm getting some pretty bad flavour.

I chalk it up to me prolly smoking weed that isn't the best (More on that in a minute) until I went to (The Holy Grail Forum of Vaporizers) and realized that there's this little hard to clean area that Davinci NEVER mentioned in the cleaning process that accumulates alot of oil and residue that's giving me an almost acrid type experience.

Who knows how much of that bad crust shyt I was putting into my lungs until I learnt how to clean it off? Same goes for alot of other vapes that feature shoddy ovens that paint and peel after use or come with a factory coating of bullshyt that the user might not burn off before their initial use.

Plus, all the healthy vaping in the world with the best quality materials in your device doesn't mean shyt if your weed is GMO and laden with all sorts of pesticides and insecticides that come with anything mass produced and farmed for profit/potency rather than health. Now I may sound like I'm top tier with all this shyt, but I still smoke imported weed from these same places (Cali/Denver/Oregon) that run the risk of harming my health, 'cause believe it or not, The Caribbean still imports a healthy chunk of their shyt for the market since most plugs don't want to take the risk of planting on such a large scale and then having the babylon rip ya shyt up and send you to jail based off the amount you have.

It's to the point where I got to mix up the homegrown shyt I get and conserve it since It's few and far between and try my best to stay away from the shyt that leaves me with headaches and other problems.

Also, a good alternative for weed if one doesn't care/like to to smoke are edibles.

Edibles can be the best alternative, but you've got to either learn to make your own shyt so you can know and respect the potency as well as deal with the alternative level of consumption 'cause an ingested high hits way different than an inhaled one, especially since it's way easier to consume high quantities of cannibus rather than smoke it, obviously.

I like edibles and with a high tolerance like I had before, they can produce a nice tempered buzz but for the average to beginner user, eating an edible might give 'em that one bad trip that scares them from ever trying that shyt again, regardless of how safer it is than smoking.

I mean, you can out a joint anytime you want if you feel you're at the limit you need to be or got to can't jump out of that space Craft when it lifts off 'cause you or your life decided you can't be high right now...and that's the WORSE feeling.


May 21, 2012
Many of you weed smokers are seriously misinformed or in denial. :ufdup:

“Smoke is harmful to lung health. Whether from burning wood, tobacco or marijuana, toxins and carcinogens are released from the combustion of materials. Smoke from marijuana combustion has been shown to contain many of the same toxins, irritants and carcinogens as tobacco smoke.”

Marijuana and Lung Health
May 15, 2012
As long as you don’t roll it in tobacco you’re good.

lmao dumb ass smoke is smoke

tobacco is a planet just like a weed, the chemicals in cigs are not in regular tobacco which he can by separately and roll your own just like weed

if you smoke you smoke your lungs will end up the same