the BLACK lungs of 52-year-old chain smoker who puffed a pack a day for 30 years


Jesus Loves you...Your Cat doesn't. {#Dogset}
Sep 2, 2015

Make a nikka not even wanna hit the weed the rest of the day lol

Unless you smoking weed with tons of Fronta/Grabba/Tobacco, you're lungs ain't gonna look nowhere as bad as that. Tobacco, especially the ones made by big pharma is filled with carcinogens and other toxins, most notoriously tar, that really do a number on your lungs compared to just straight puffing weed.

Now ANY sort of smoke/vapor for your lungs is bad, the damage done to them shyts from smoking Joe Camel's shyt is far more devastating than straight up weed and in most instances, weed vapor from dry herb vapes. Plus, if you rolling joints, stick to Raw papers over that white/bleached shyt. It makes a solid difference too 'cause even if you smoking straight up natural weed, you can add unwanted effects that may effect you in the long term, by using bum ass products such as cheap dry herb vapes that make it hard to clean it or have plastic or other shoddy materials in it's construction along with cheap rolling papers that are bleached.

Counter Racist Male

Retired poster and occasional lurker
Sep 14, 2019

Yet some of these smoking folks live longer than some people who try and live healthy:francis::heh:

I as often as you would like to imagine.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Unless you smoking weed with tons of Fronta/Grabba/Tobacco, you're lungs ain't gonna look nowhere as bad as that. Tobacco, especially the ones made by big pharma is filled with carcinogens and other toxins, most notoriously tar, that really do a number on your lungs compared to just straight puffing weed.

Now ANY sort of smoke/vapor for your lungs is bad, the damage done to them shyts from smoking Joe Camel's shyt is far more devastating than straight up weed and in most instances, weed vapor from dry herb vapes. Plus, if you rolling joints, stick to Raw papers over that white/bleached shyt. It makes a solid difference too 'cause even if you smoking straight up natural weed, you can add unwanted effects that may effect you in the long term, by using bum ass products such as cheap dry herb vapes that make it hard to clean it or have plastic or other shoddy materials in it's construction along with cheap rolling papers that are bleached.
Now I'm hesitant to smoke weed again....


Nov 18, 2016
@ PA
Weed doesn't have toxins but it can from the growing conditions (e.g. pesticides, lead, etc.)
Cigarettes have toxins because of all the shyt they put in the packs e.g. carbon monoxide

Unless you smoking weed with tons of Fronta/Grabba/Tobacco, you're lungs ain't gonna look nowhere as bad as that. Tobacco, especially the ones made by big pharma is filled with carcinogens and other toxins, most notoriously tar, that really do a number on your lungs compared to just straight puffing weed.

When these type of articles come out, cats that smoke green, suddenly turn into scientists, and start doing, all types of mental gymnastics to distance themselves from the effects of smoking...

Na ngga...your shyt looks like, or is gonna look like grilled pork-chops too, from all that smoke inhalation...:umad:

They certainly don't look like mines. I'm a non-smoker...:jawalrus:

Live in denial tho. "You gotta crawl before you walk..." ass nggas....

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Michael's Black Son

Blanket Jackson
Sep 30, 2013
New York City & Neverland Ranch

Lungs simply aren’t designed for the bullshyt people put in it. You’re literally better off smoking crack.

The reduced capacity, mucus and sheer pain you put your lungs thru isn’t what the air sacs in your lungs can handle. Same reason why you can’t fukkin breathe under water. The damn lungs are designed for AIR ONLY. Not water, toxic cigarette smoke, vape “smoke,” asbestos, burning trash and can barely handle allergy season.

I literally don’t trust anyone who would put a cigarette in their mouth because they know what this shyt does so why trust their decision making on anything else. Meanwhile, medical science is supposed to magically heal their decades of abuse.

In the words of Conor Roy, “Oh, fukk off!”


Jesus Loves you...Your Cat doesn't. {#Dogset}
Sep 2, 2015
When these type of articles come out, cats that smoke green, suddenly turn into scientists, and start doing, all types of mental gymnastics to distance themselves from the effects of smoking...

Na ngga...your shyt looks like, or is gonna look like charcoal pork-chops too, from all that smoke inhalation...:umad:

They certainly don't look like mines. I'm a non-smoker...:jawalrus:

Live in denial tho. "You gotta crawl before you walk..." ass nggas....


Mental Gymnastics? Really, breh? That's what you got from that? Or are you trying to lump in what I said above with smokers who act holier than though 'cause they only smoke green and not Cigs/blunts?? 'Cause if that's what you caught from my post, my dude, you assumed wrong and I'd invite you to re-read but I'm already catching the tone you putting out here so this will only end in argument, but that's alright.

What's even better is you cats that say "I'm a non smoker:troll:" automatically put y'all selves on some precipice and refuse to see facts not correlating with your non smoking stance and offer nothing but ridicule and mockery while being comforted by not being in the same class as folk you ridicule, or in this case, try to. That's alright too. *Coughs*

Anyways breh, my post was highlighting the fact that no green smoker's lungs are gonna look anywhere near as bad as a CHAINSMOKING, CIGARETTE USER, while in no way skirting the fact that ALL SMOKE IS BAD....a point I made sure to add within my post that you left out in your quote. Lungs ain't designed for smoke even though it can tolerate it up to a time, so it's not like as if my shyt's healthier than yours, Mr "Non Smoker", I was simply stating the fact that while all smoke is bad, you can mitigate alot of the damage by smoking in different ways (Vape/Water systems) or using your herb in a more natural way that lessons carcinogens and toxins (avoiding blunts,bleached paper, GMO weed when you can).

It's healthier not to smoke at all, but for us natural herb smokers, we ain't there or wanna be for our own reasons and whatever health problems we accumulate, we'll carry, but don't start tossing erroneous assumptions that a dude smoking a joint a day looks anywhere near as horrid as that tar filled, cancerous charred shyt in the OP, breh.


The Ironlung told you where it's comin' from. It's up to you to see it, or decry it.


Jesus Loves you...Your Cat doesn't. {#Dogset}
Sep 2, 2015
Now I'm hesitant to smoke weed again....

Why? I mean, if you've stopped and can continue to go without it, I'd say do that shyt. It can be an expensive habit and unless you in full control of your emotions and thought process, you can find yourself using it like a crutch like I did (I'm on a three month tolerance break) and end up doing more harm than good.

I honestly enjoy the high I get from weed and the fact that it relaxes me after a strenuous day or enhances a pretty mundane one when I want to totally occupy myself with my own thoughts and write shyt, watch shyt or play videogames, is something I really enjoy compared to other "drug" highs like Acid/Ketamine/Mushrooms, but that's just me since I love to chemically alter my brain and dissociate from society/people for lengthy periods of time and be alone when I can.

But if you start back, I don't see it being anything more difficult than you finding some decent grown shyt if you live in an area where it's legal, getting a dry herb vape or unbleached rolling paper and just enjoying a joint in moderation like I'm trying to get back to like when I first started.


Aug 18, 2014
Unless you smoking weed with tons of Fronta/Grabba/Tobacco, you're lungs ain't gonna look nowhere as bad as that. Tobacco, especially the ones made by big pharma is filled with carcinogens and other toxins, most notoriously tar, that really do a number on your lungs compared to just straight puffing weed.

Now ANY sort of smoke/vapor for your lungs is bad, the damage done to them shyts from smoking Joe Camel's shyt is far more devastating than straight up weed and in most instances, weed vapor from dry herb vapes. Plus, if you rolling joints, stick to Raw papers over that white/bleached shyt. It makes a solid difference too 'cause even if you smoking straight up natural weed, you can add unwanted effects that may effect you in the long term, by using bum ass products such as cheap dry herb vapes that make it hard to clean it or have plastic or other shoddy materials in it's construction along with cheap rolling papers that are bleached.
Also, a good alternative for weed if one doesn't care/like to to smoke are edibles.