china's growth is a function of china adopting american economic practices, in other words its the chinese that are becoming more american
in other words the world is not becoming de-americanized anytime soon
The thing is, this is not how they think, and it is not within their capabilities. China is surrounded by powerful countries that can be troublesome even if it reached US hyperpower status.The Chinese view themselves as the middle country, the center of the world, i.e. balancing along with other powers into a harmony.
The US on the other hand, is surrounded by what? Mexicans to the south who are useless and disorganized. Canada, a benign sibling to the north, and 2 big oceans to the left and right. The US hasn't had immediate threats from its neighbors to be concerned about. Which is why the USA was free to roam the world looking for trouble, markets, influence, police the world, etc...
The Chinese simply want to be the center of the world by balancing against everyone else, they do not need to go around the world looking for trouble,
they will manouver everyone else so that markets, influence and power comes to them.
Well, historically that has been their way.
They also do not want the Yuan to be the world currency just
one of the world's reserve currencies. They want the Bretton Woods system of 1945-1971.
Its impossible and undesirable for them to want their currency to be the premier one.