Essential The Big Thread of Black Excellence


May 2, 2012
Passport Abuse


May 7, 2012

-Al Jahiz was an afro arab slave, born in 776 AD
-wrote book such as Book of Animals, book of misers, book of eloquence, and the superiority of blacks over whites

some quotes from it below

"Labid," he says, "used this imagery because when the Ethiopians, splendid in the blackness of their skins and in the vigor and strength of their superb bodies, attacked with their spears, bows, and arrows they spread an unimaginable terror around them." WhenUkaym says : On the day of Yathrib we were the stallions of the Arabs. It is a reference to Musrif ibn Uqba al Murri the general who gave the conquered city (Medina) over to the troops for pillage and the Negroes cohabited with the captured women, which are mentionedin the following verses of Mudar; Ask Musrif El Mwirri the general in question about the morning when he gave the captured virgins over to his weather-beaten Negro soldiers. On his occasion the Zanj fought you, Whites, in spite of your rage. Wahrig defended you with his Persians, whilst the Ethiopian general commanded in the midst of destruction. Itwas then the women of your race were enjoyed by a Negro, whose phallus was the size of a donkey's. When the poet says: They are muleteers, assembled from everywhere, gathered as a net gathers fish in the stormy sea. He here accepted what story tellers say about
Himyar.-That they used to be muleteers. The Negroes can also be proud of the fact that the single dead person over whom the Prophet ever prayed was their ruler, the Emperor of Ethiopia. He prayed for the Negus, while the Prophet was in Medina, and the tomb of the Negus in Abyssinia. And also: “the Negus is who gave in marriage to the Prophet - That blessing and the safety of Allah be on him! - 'Umm Habiba, girl of Abu Sufyan: he asked Halid b. Sa' id to be the tutor of 'Umm Habiba, offering in the name of the Prophet - Howthe blessing and the safety of Allah are on him! - a dowry of four hundred dinars. And also: we made you three presents: the civet, the most sweet perfume, most exquisite and noblest; the litter; it is the best defense for the women and best protection for what issacred for man; the codex: it preserves best its contents and ensure best preservation; it is splendid and most handy. And also: we inspire the most fear in the heart and catch most of the glances (of the onlookers), just as the carriers of black (Abbasid) inspire more fear and fill up more the heart than the carriers of white (Umayyad),

The Zanj(Blacks)are the most eager of all God’s creatures for their women, and so also their
women for them. They are also better compared to other women. Please think about what we
have said.hey say; If white men look on black women without desire, so too do black men look on white women without desire, for passions are habits and mostly convention.....They say : The blacks are more numerous than the whites. The whites at most consist of the people of Persia, Jibal,and Khurasan, the Greeks, Slavs, Franks, and Avars, and some few others, not very numerous; the blacks include the Zanj, Ethiopians, the people of Fazzan, the Berbers, the Copts, and Nubians, the people of Zaghawa, Marw...To those who despise the color black, we would reply that the excessive lanky, thin, and reddish hair of the Franks, Greeks, and Slavs, the redness of their locks and beards, the whiteness of their eyelashes, are uglier and more loathsome.[/QUOTES]

he Blacks continue: coming from Abyssinia, we were Masters of the country of Arabia up to Mecca, and on all the country our law reigned. We put to rout Du Nuwas, killed by the 'Aqyal Himyarites. You, you never dominated our country. Your poet says (Tawil): They ruined Gumdan and
threw its roof down. Riyat and his troops, by an impetuous attack, with force. The Abyssinians encircled it at night and threw down a construction built by the 'Aqyal at inremote times, a multitude, of black color, coming from Al-Yaksum, such as the lions of d’as-Sara, which would have been wearing a leopard skin. [Blacks] add: we count among us Kabagila; no one of those who went up the Sulaiman channel and who fought in singular
combat did resemble him. They continue: also the forty are ours who revolted, at the timeof the qadi Sawwar b. 'Abd Allah, in the area of the Euphrates; they drove out their dwellings the populations of this area and went on to an immense massacre of the inhabitants of Ubulla. The one who did cut the head of Isa ibn Jafar in Oman with a Bahrayni scythe when all were afraid was one of us. Everybody knows that the Zanj are among the most generous of mortals ; a quality that is found only among noble characters.

These people have a natural talent for dancing to therhythm of the tambourine, without needing to learn it. There are no better singers
anywhere in the world, no people more polished and eloquent, and no people less given to insulting language. All other peoples in the world have their stammerers, those who have difficulty in pronouncing certain sounds, and those who cannot express themselves fluently or are downright tongue-tied, except the Zanj. Sometimes some of them recite before their ruler continuously from sunrise to sunset, without needing to turn round or pause in their flow. No other nation can surpass them in bodily strength and physical toughness. One of them will lift huge blocks and carry heavy loads that would be beyond the strength of most Bedouins or members of other races. They are courageous, energetic, and generous, which are the virtues of nobility, and also good-tempered and with little propensity to evil. They are always cheerful, smiling, and devoid of malice, which is a sign of noble character.

I thought this was interesting, feels like it could have been written today :heh:


May 2, 2012
Passport Abuse
:blessed: Our (:usure:indigenous :camby: FOH, Habbib) Egyptian Gods at rest! :wow:

a mummy that was found in egypt.... 2000 years old, with the natural curly hair still intact......... goes to show that the way they depicted egyptians in hollywood were wrong(even tho we all knew that) ...before europeans started going there, there wasn't any fair skin muhfukkas in africa b.....


Jun 24, 2013

-Al Jahiz was an afro arab slave, born in 776 AD
-wrote book such as Book of Animals, book of misers, book of eloquence, and the superiority of blacks over whites

some quotes from it below
:blessed: Our (:usure:indigenous :camby: FOH, Habbib) Egyptian Gods at rest! :wow:
Yall should also post this information in the "The Official African History Thread" -


hit it, & I didn't go Erykah Badu crazy, #yallmad
May 20, 2012
I submit Kasim Reed to #blackexcellence, I criticize black politicans for step and fetching fr the white man, finally, one with some balls to say, "no, im not falling on your sword, I sympathize with people stuck in their cars and kids stuck at school, but im not going to take the blame for places that are not Atl, highways I can't control, or a school system I don't have the power to close"
