Drew Wonder
Love this movie. Easily a 5/5 flick. Really good and really funny but also really infuriating. I love the fact that there's really no "good guy" character because they're all taking advantage of something they see coming but there's a morbid realization they all have once the reality sets in that this thing is actually about to happen. Best movie of McKay's career and all of the performances are top notch. Especially Bale and Carrell
What I love about this movie is it doesn't cater to audience expectations or wish fulfillment (which would be hard to do anyway since it's based on a true story) like the ending
After all the preaching he did and moral outrage he constantly showed, I really wanted Steve Carrell's character not to sell. But not even he was above being a hypocrite and you can see how disappointed he was in himself with that subtle look on his face right before he gave the OK to sell. Really a brilliant moment. This was the best movie I've seen this year