Countdown to Armageddon
Oh I seeIdk. I DO know that all other races lack the "soul" that blacks possess. We're also the most physically gifted. Again, this site is 80% white so i understand how this thread will make yall feel.
Oh I seeIdk. I DO know that all other races lack the "soul" that blacks possess. We're also the most physically gifted. Again, this site is 80% white so i understand how this thread will make yall feel.
In a recent study, black people had the highest mirror neuron response and white people had the lowest, with a large number showing no response.
im not moving any goalposts. White people lack rhythm, soul and compassion as a people. Blacks have more. Its something about our melanin. Im not sure whats so hard to understand about that. Im not claiming inferiority or superiority, im simply claiming each race is more different than simply skin color. You're white right? Of course you would take offense to this thread. Thats why i titled it "the big elephant in the room". Its something that we're going to have to acknowledge at some point. The black race will NEVER fully be at peace as long as we're co-habitating with the white race. The sooner both sides acknowledge this the better.You're making a completely different argument from the one you did in your OP(just as weak too). In that post you were clearly using the word "Soul" to reference the humanity of a white person, and you can easily see that when you state, "Whites lack soul and compassion". Now you are shifting the argument to be about the cultural attitude, swagger, style, personality of white culture versus black culture as evidence for the differences white/black hold on a genetic/biological level instead of humanity. See, what you did here is called moving the Moving the goalposts, and I assume you did that to avoid making a counter argument to the first argument you made. Which highlights your bias which has no place in a proper discussion.
Also your new argument is just as baseless as your first. Saying one culture has more style/flavor/rhythm than the other is your opinion not a objective truth, so using dance/music as hard evidence to make claims about a racial group biology is irrational.
you're white right?OP you dumb
you're white right?
i dont think he meant superiority or inferiority when he said "not created equal". We're simply more different than just skin color.and when a white individual says the same thing
sighting their economic military political and cultural standing as proof of their superiority
and the state of majority black nations and neighborhoods as proof of black inferiority you run and shout foul
the reverse racist tactic goes nowhere
to believe that any race is inferior or superior is to hold an incomplete perspective of humanity as a whole
come on mane
do better+
You sound like you've never had a white friendAnd that is that we are NOT all created equally. We are all very much different on a biological/dna level. Our differences are much deeper than just skin color. So much so that i think each race would be better off separated. Whites lack soul and compassion. "Flavor" if you will. We have an abundance of it. They will never understand us. They fear our dark skin yet are envious of our physical prowess. They also naturally look down on any race with darker skin. All of this creates 2 races that will NEVER be able to peacefully co-habitat. We are just too different. We are literally 2 different species. This needs to be acknowledged at some point.
You sound like you've never had a white friend
OP and anyone else who believes his bullshyt, read this. It'll change your mind on this subject.
We are vastly different....... but saying that we're not equal is the wrong way to put it