The Big Elephant In the Room Regarding Race

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
please do. i'd really like to hear it...

Fine. But I'm not gonna go much in depth.

And that is that we are NOT all created equally.
Created by who? Evolution? God? And what does he mean by equally?

We are all very much different on a biological/dna level.
No, maybe a little, but not drastically where we are two different beings. People of European descent may have evolved certain mutations(via SNP event) which are not found in Africa, but that is IT! All Eurasians(yes Europeans included) ancestry traces back to Africa where humanity(homo-sapiens) arose. If we were different on a biological level you would actually be agreeing with those racist Eurocentrics that the Out of Africa is false. Since the argument they mainly use is that both blacks and whites are biologically different and evolved in different regions.

Fact is OP has never studied in anthropology and should not try to be an authority in topics he is not well versed in. The irony is that on a genetic distance scale, Africans are actually closer to Europeans than say these people.

See how easy that was to refute?

Our differences are much deeper than just skin color. So much so that i think each race would be better off separated. Whites lack soul and compassion. "Flavor" if you will. We have an abundance of it. They will never understand us. They fear our dark skin yet are envious of our physical prowess. They also naturally look down on any race with darker skin. All of this creates 2 races that will NEVER be able to peacefully co-habitat. We are just too different.

A lot generalization. What you're talking about has more to do with culture than something on a biological scale in what you're trying to argue. The irony is Europeans too had darker skin 7,000 years ago. Fear our dark skin? Funny that during antiquity "black skin" was looked at as something as "beautiful". Especially by the Greeks see here.

Black skin being "ugly" could be argued to originate with the rise of the Atlantic slave trade for an excuse of black inferiority, I myself think it has more to do with the Catholic church thinking of evil meaning "black" and white meaning "good". Either way BOTH are cultural entities, not biological. I can even expand further by saying that the Romans looked at the Northern Europeans(Nordics, Celtics, Britons, Gauls, Germanics,etc), who were much "whiter" than the Romans as not only being savages and uncivilized, but extremely ugly. Meanwhile the Romans looked at the darker black Egyptians, Nubians and Numidians of Carthage as being more civilized. Not only that, but they and those blacks battled against and conquered those Northern Europeans together.

The read bolded is even more silly imo. Yes the United States is very racist, but doesn't represent all people of European descent worldwide or throughout history.

We are literally 2 different species. This needs to be acknowledged at some point.

Either the OP is trolling with this, or just should NEVER discuss scientific topics, because this is by far the sillies thing I've read on the Coli. And I've seen many. If this was the case "blacks" and "whites" wouldn't be able to INTERBREED! And with many birth defects! Both people of African and European descent form the "homo-Sapien" genus group. I doubt the OP even knows what makes a species. I doubt he even knows what a "genus" is. I doubt he even knows basic animal kingdom classes.
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May 6, 2012
OP is a racist and doesn't even know it. The real big elephant in the room is that human races don't exist and anyone who speaks in terms of them is not properly educated. How can a place dedicated to discussing this topic not be aware of this?

The myth of race: Why are we divided by race when there is no such thing?

I recommend reading up a bit before making threads that make you sound like the "I'm not saying it was aliens.." guy.



May 1, 2012
We are all the same internally our environment plays a significant part in our development & mindset