I done already told youIt is a mystery.
like the name of their pizzeria's.
Art Barr

I done already told youIt is a mystery.
like the name of their pizzeria's.
Art Barr
What pizzeria is this?
Art Barr
My guy, obviously you are unfamiliar. Ain't nobody going to Staten Island or Far Rockaway unless you really have to go there. It's not like The Bronx or Brooklyn. Both locations you got to go over water to get there so unless you really have to go to these locations ain't nobody going over there like that to mingle. The people who would be very familiar with Staten Island and Far Rockaway would be the people who actually live there.
You might as well include the BX to far rock and SI![]()
New York is the home of flights, cars, taxis, busses, subways, trains, cyclists, pedestrians, and so on but-- you want us to hear this shyt about some damn waterHow can you compare BX to Far Rock and SI when you literally have to travel over water? BX you walk on that bridge from 145th and Lenox in Harlem and you right on 149th in The Bronx in 5 minutes. If you in a car you there in 30 seconds. There is no 30 seconds travel time in a car trying to get to Far Rock or SI. You're going to be spending at least 20 minutes on that water starting from Brooklyn till you get to the 60's in Far Rock.
New York is the home of flights, cars, taxis, busses, subways, trains, cyclists, pedestrians, and so on but-- you want us to hear this shyt about some damn water
Imma just ignore whatever the hell posessed you to make that kinda analogy.My dude, you not from here and that's why you saying things that sound way off. You are like a virgin attempting to sound convincing while talking about sex to a porn star. There is absolutely nothing in Far Rock or SI worth going to. Everything worth a damn is right in the 5 boroughs. Even with Far Rock being a part of Queens it is called the 6th borough because it is it's own world. Why you think them Wu Tang dudes found a 2nd home in Brooklyn? Because Brooklyn is where the real action is at not SI.
New York is the home of flights, cars, taxis, busses, subways, trains, cyclists, pedestrians, and so on but-- you want us to hear this shyt about some damn water
Imma just ignore whatever the hell posessed you to make that kinda analogy.
Staten Island is one of the five boroughs.