The average cost to raise a child is $235,000 before college


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Talk about a miser.

Calling your flesh and blood a ''leach''.


nikkas straight robots these days. Everything is a business relationship.
It's called doing what's best for you in any given situation not being a robot. Every decision in life should be without emotions only using logic. Emotions are self serving and they don't care what's best for you they just want to be satisfied.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
They should come out with a figure on how much nikkas spend trickin on hoes for 18 years. I bet it's more :snoop:

I'll just take my kids and call them an investment for a prosperous future.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
They should come out with a figure on how much nikkas spend trickin on hoes for 18 years. I bet it's more :snoop:

I'll just take my kids and call them an investment for a prosperous future.
The negatives on how your child could turn out are staggering. Every 40 year old flipping burgers at a fast food Joint has a father, every crack head, every autistic person, homosexual, thug, rapist, pervert, prisoner, the list goes on. You really can't control or raise your kids anymore. The world is too wired and connected. Society will either raise them or influence them.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Now you know Black folks used to raise 8 kids on hardly nothing for 50 years.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
The negatives on how your child could turn out are staggering. Every 40 year old flipping burgers at a fast food Joint has a father, every crack head, every autistic person, homosexual, thug, rapist, pervert, prisoner, the list goes on. You really can't control or raise your kids anymore. The world is too wired and connected. Society will either raise them or influence them.

Your logic is flawed in all types of ways. First there are more prosperous people than homeless crackheads so just going by numbers my kids have a better chance of being successful than not. Second who are you to say working at mcdonalds is a bad thing. It's not the best outcome but there are plenty of proud people flipping burgers and taking care of themselves. Plenty of parents are proud of their autistic kids, hell Einstein was probably autistic. And lastly raising kids is not about shielding them from a connected world or controlling them. It's about raising them with dignity, respect and morals, and the ability to think for themselves. Society only raises kids who's parents won't do it themselves. Influence can't be stopped but if you raise them correctly they will know how to deal with those influences.

Think about it like this. Movies are rated Pg and Pg-13 not because kids shouldn't see them but because Parents should be present to offer GUIDENCE on the things the kids might see.


Giving game to lames since the 90s
Apr 30, 2012
In Dallas, From Cleveland
lol at them numbers. They just pulling numbers out there ass..

My parents were making decent money at best, had 2 kids and we stayed in nice clothes and shoes, Went on family trips, played sports, was in the band and all types of extra shyt and we were never struggling.

I have a 2 year old now and if you take away daycare she doesn't require much money but food and diapers (almost potty trained).

My son is 11 and other than food and clothes he doesn't require much either. Plays on a select basketball and stays with his granny during the week so I haven't had to spend much money on him either.

I'm not trying to tell anyone to go out and have kids cause it really ain't for everybody.

But unlike alot of deadbeats out there everyday I look forward to spending time and teaching my kids and I'm married so I don't know if I'm who they talking bout


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Your logic is flawed in all types of ways. First there are more prosperous people than homeless crackheads so just going by numbers my kids have a better chance of being successful than not. Second who are you to say working at mcdonalds is a bad thing. It's not the best outcome but there are plenty of proud people flipping burgers and taking care of themselves. Plenty of parents are proud of their autistic kids, hell Einstein was probably autistic. And lastly raising kids is not about shielding them from a connected world or controlling them. It's about raising them with dignity, respect and morals, and the ability to think for themselves. Society only raises kids who's parents won't do it themselves. Influence can't be stopped but if you raise them correctly they will know how to deal with those influences.

Think about it like this. Movies are rated Pg and Pg-13 not because kids shouldn't see them but because Parents should be present to offer GUIDENCE on the things the kids might see.
would you wish for your child to be working at McDonald's at 40? would you desire to have an autistic child if given the choice to have a perfectly normal child or an autistic one?

raising kids is about giving a child the opportunity to become the best person possible. parents want their children to turn into a person they'd be proud of. would you love a 40 year old basement dweller that works at a fast food joint? probably but quit acting like that's how you'd want your child to turn out.

you can't raise your children correctly because my parents did everything they could to raise me that way and the moment they weren't around i went against their directions. you can't always be there. i've seen my little cousins swallowed up by the streets turned into young thugs despite their parents best efforts to raise them otherwise. their parents didn't teach them that shyt or instill those values in them. i know both them and the parents and those children ended up finding other children and being influenced by other children. next thing you know you getting a call saying your child was arrested with other children who was robbing a corner store. society will find a way to reach your kids and corrupt them in some way despite your best efforts.

my parents wouldn't let me listen to rap as a child so i saved my lunch money and walked to the store before i hit the bus stop and bought rap cds. you think my parents ever even exposed me to rap? you think they told me what South Park was? i couldn't even watch the Simpsons as a kid. in jr high when the kid gave me a porno and i sneaked it into the house and watched it while they slept in the middle of the night was that something they wanted me to do?

kids will find a way to do shyt you don't want. you can't really control how they turn out.

love is the rationalization of insanity. the absence of logic so of course parents love their children for the most part regardless of how they turn out but lets quit pretending parents who put their all into raising failures wanted them to turn out they way they did. lets also quit dressing up failure and pretending like there's no such thing. despite your best efforts you or i could have a child put our all into raising them and have them be a failure.


Can’t move with me in this digital space
May 1, 2012
would you wish for your child to be working at McDonald's at 40? would you desire to have an autistic child if given the choice to have a perfectly normal child or an autistic one?

raising kids is about giving a child the opportunity to become the best person possible. parents want their children to turn into a person they'd be proud of. would you love a 40 year old basement dweller that works at a fast food joint? probably but quit acting like that's how you'd want your child to turn out.

you can't raise your children correctly because my parents did everything they could to raise me that way and the moment they weren't around i went against their directions. you can't always be there. i've seen my little cousins swallowed up by the streets turned into young thugs despite their parents best efforts to raise them otherwise. their parents didn't teach them that shyt or instill those values in them. i know both them and the parents and those children ended up finding other children and being influenced by other children. next thing you know you getting a call saying your child was arrested with other children who was robbing a corner store. society will find a way to reach your kids and corrupt them in some way despite your best efforts.

my parents wouldn't let me listen to rap as a child so i saved my lunch money and walked to the store before i hit the bus stop and bought rap cds. you think my parents ever even exposed me to rap? you think they told me what South Park was? i couldn't even watch the Simpsons as a kid. in jr high when the kid gave me a porno and i sneaked it into the house and watched it while they slept in the middle of the night was that something they wanted me to do?

kids will find a way to do shyt you don't want. you can't really control how they turn out.


How old are you? Do you have kids? How do you know what a parent wants there kid to be when they grow up?

All that other shyt is a phase all youngster go through where you rebel against your parents. As you get older you start to see they were right and you should've listened to them most of the time. Kind of like that Scarface song "Now I Feel Ya"

Some kids do fall victims to influences but that's a small minority.

you're NOT "n!ggas"

FKA ciroq drobama
May 1, 2012
Astronomy (8th light)
That's a bullshyt number.

Raising kids depends on where you live and how you raise them price wise.


look at all those red bars!!! i gotta start neggin you from now on just so i can finally see somebody max it out :gladbron:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
would you wish for your child to be working at McDonald's at 40? would you desire to have an autistic child if given the choice to have a perfectly normal child or an autistic one?

raising kids is about giving a child the opportunity to become the best person possible. parents want their children to turn into a person they'd be proud of. would you love a 40 year old basement dweller that works at a fast food joint? probably but quit acting like that's how you'd want your child to turn out.

you can't raise your children correctly because my parents did everything they could to raise me that way and the moment they weren't around i went against their directions. you can't always be there. i've seen my little cousins swallowed up by the streets turned into young thugs despite their parents best efforts to raise them otherwise. their parents didn't teach them that shyt or instill those values in them. i know both them and the parents and those children ended up finding other children and being influenced by other children. next thing you know you getting a call saying your child was arrested with other children who was robbing a corner store. society will find a way to reach your kids and corrupt them in some way despite your best efforts.

my parents wouldn't let me listen to rap as a child so i saved my lunch money and walked to the store before i hit the bus stop and bought rap cds. you think my parents ever even exposed me to rap? you think they told me what South Park was? i couldn't even watch the Simpsons as a kid. in jr high when the kid gave me a porno and i sneaked it into the house and watched it while they slept in the middle of the night was that something they wanted me to do?

kids will find a way to do shyt you don't want. you can't really control how they turn out.

love is the rationalization of insanity. the absence of logic so of course parents love their children for the most part regardless of how they turn out but lets quit pretending parents who put their all into raising failures wanted them to turn out they way they did. lets also quit dressing up failure and pretending like there's no such thing. despite your best efforts you or i could have a child put our all into raising them and have them be a failure.

I wouldn't wish for them to be autistic or to work at mcdonalds. But the thought that they MIGHT turn out that way won't deter me from raising kids.

Like I said it's not about controlling or preventing your kids from doing things it's about giving them the tools they need to navigate this world. Even though you snuck to buy rap cd's you knew you were wrong and you knew why your parents didn't want you listening to it. Although you went against your parents wishes you still had guidance and knew how to handle the situation.
Without that guidance, you might listen to the music, think it real life and go on a shooting spree.

What you are saying is why so many parents fail. It's not about sheltering the kids it's about teaching them how to grow. I won't be able to stop my son from having sex but I can damn sure tell him about aids and buy him some condoms. I don't know your cousins so I don't want to speak on them. But from my experience kids with good home lives that still turn to the streets are laking real guidance and motivation from their parents. Parents were either too busy to give them the attention they needed or too controlling so the kids went out to rebel.

That love is the rationalization of insanity quote is just some BS quote you heard in a movie. It really means nothing. I'm not dressing up failure. Success/failure is very subjective. As a human all one needs is food and shelter to survive if I can provide that for myself, who's to say if I'm successful or not. Is a depressed and lonely rich dude successful? Is a guy living off the land in the wilderness unsuccessful?
May 8, 2012
Daycare for my daughter is 1340 a month. When she comes home at 21 months and starts reciting her alphabet or counting to ten, handing me her shoe and saying shoe or says new words and identifies with new animals on a daily basis I forget about the cost and concentrate on how we are going to provide the best education for her and her sibling we can afford :manny: I live for my children not by force its a choice I made the day I PLANNED to have them.