The interview with Jeff actually happened. From Harper's Bizarre:
In the episode, titled "Don't Ask Don't Tell" (a reference to the 1994 policy which allowed closeted gay people to serve in the military), Andrew Cunanan, Trail's eventual murderer, finds a tape of a 48 Hours segment about the policy inside Trail's apartment. Cunanan realizes the closeted man, interviewed in silhouette to obscure his identity for the piece, is actually Trail.
In the two-and-a-half-minute clip, Trail tells Schlesinger many closeted gay people currently serve in the military and hugely benefit the organization: "Whether people like it or not, there are gays in the military. They're very top-notch performers. They know what they're doing," he said. "You're gonna weaken our national defense if you remove gays from the military." He also admits he wishes he could be himself: "There's nothing I would like more than to be lit up and tell you who I am and show you who I am. But I'm not allowed to do that."
The footage is both chilling and heartbreaking; Trail is clearly passionate about both his career and his desire to live his life freely, something he never really gets the chance to achieve—he left the Navy in 1996, and not all of his family knew he was gay at the time of his death, according to Maureen Orth in her book, Vulgar Favors.
Can't see it though because "it's unavailable in my country"