The AMC Stock Discussion Thread

Cobalt Sire

All Star
Nov 22, 2016
So these hedge funds bet the house on shorting AMC and GME? I guess money is guaranteed until it isn't.
Oct 22, 2017
Peter Hann CFA on LinkedIn: #AMC #FTD #IWM | 81 comments

Short comment on #AMC. Short's managed to get AMC off the NYSE Threshold list last Friday, not clear exactly how this was done but looks like exposure converted from Fails to Deliver (#FTD) to outright naked shorts and then packaged into the #IWM ETF. I'm really not going to waste more brain power on this. Citadel is a market marker and between them and their "friend" #Virtu control 80% of retail orders. They can more or less dictate price on slow volume days. Allegations of buy orders being delayed as much as 35 days through Citadels data flow. How likely is that? Hard to verify baring an audit, but it is true that dark pool trading accounted for over 65% of volume for the last 5 trading days and over 50% over the last month. Meanwhile, retail orders continue to be overwhelmingly buy oriented. The only selling is coming from shorts using the dark pools to mute buying pressure. The short-ladder attacks from last week seem to shifted to a numb inducing slow drip lower. The degree of overt manipulation is mind blowing. I am told #Citadel employs a team of psych Phd's to design price moves designed to drive retail interest away. The media attacks are clearly not working so the recent price campaign has escalated, driving it from $59 to $39 last week, a brief surge back to $49 and today's slow drip from $46.50 to $42.50 at the close. I really think Citadel needs to fire their pysch experts. Most retail is holding and bought large amounts in March. Many likely did sell a small amount in June like I did, to cover their initial investment. For example, I was long at $9.60 and sold at $53.40, enough to cover my buy in and show a decent realized gain. My remaining position is a free rider. The price could go down to $12 and many holders would still be in the money. There were 3.2 million retail holders in March, there are likely 5 million now, there has been no dilution so how are new buyers finding shares without the price rising considerably? The longer Citadel delays this, the more the final bill will grow. The #DTCC has put most of their amendments into effect, so one wonders just how much free reign the #SEC will give Citadel and the 22 other shorts before strongly worded suggestions become more forcibly made directions. I thought in March the situation was a danger to financial stability. At this point I give up worrying about it as it appears officials in Washington have no clue the damage being done. If nothing else, the failure of officials to reign in Citadel all the while the stock is under a huge media spotlight will undermine confidence in the fairness of the market for retail participants. Which in turn will reduce retail activity and hurt longer term profitability for Citadel. So stop with the games and get on with popping the cyst.

this can’t go on for much longer. It’s too blatant.

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Oct 22, 2017
Buys outnumber sales. Barely any of retail is selling. The blatancy of the manipulation taking place, obvious to the rapidly growing number eyes watching this, cannot continue without the integrity of Wall Street being put on trial.

Millions of people have invested their livelihoods into this, money upon which now ride hopes and dreams.

People who participated fairly, bet against the hedge funds, and won are now being spat upon in full view of the public and the regulatory body tasked with preventing the wholesale manipulation taking place.

Something is about to give.

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Dec 2, 2012
Buys outnumber sales. Barely any of retail is selling. The blatancy of the manipulation taking place, obvious to the rapidly growing number eyes watching this, cannot continue without the integrity of Wall Street being put on trial.

Millions of people have invested their livelihoods into this, money upon which now ride hopes and dreams.

People participated fairly, bet against the hedge funds, and won are now being spat upon in full view of the public and the regulatory body tasked with preventing the wholesale manipulation taking place.

Something is about to give.

Wallstreet has no integrity.
Oct 22, 2017
Wallstreet has no integrity.
I agree, but I don’t see how this can continue for much longer. It’s too blatant, too obvious to the naked eye. If the retail investors comprised only a small number of people, I can understand how they might not be rescued. But, they don’t. This is almost 5 million investors with positions in AMC alone. Billions of dollars worth of money.

The GME and AMC investors won. Hedge Funds bet against them and lost. Now they’re cheating with impunity, in full view of the public, confident in the SEC turning a blind eye to the their manipulation of both stocks.

I think there will be unrest if the SEC doesn’t intervene and force the hedge funds to cover. You don’t fukk with peoples money - especially this much.

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All Star
Mar 19, 2014
The Hometown
I said it before, saying this won't take long will not help people diamond hand this. It will most likely push them to put in money they need in the short term, in stead of money that would've been sitting in a savings account otherwise.
The game is rigged and retail investors have found a way to change that, they (hedge funds) won't give up easily, they were smart enough to rig the game in the first place. Most likely they will find other ways to screw with the price for the coming time, this doesn't matter if you don't need the money right now.
Let's be patient, buy dips if you can, just wait it out if you can't, it doesn't matter in the end, as long as you don't sell.


All Star
May 6, 2012
I agree, but I don’t see how this can continue for much longer. It’s too blatant, too obvious to the naked eye. If the retail investors comprised only a small number of people, I can understand how they might not be rescued. But, they don’t. This is almost 5 million investors with positions in AMC alone. Billions of dollars worth of money.

The GME and AMC investors won. Hedge Funds bet against them and lost. Now they’re cheating with impunity, in full view of the public, confident in the SEC turning a blind eye to the their manipulation of both stocks.

I think there will be unrest if the SEC doesn’t intervene and force the hedge funds to cover. You don’t fukk with peoples money - especially this much.


I doubt it..the government don’t care about poor ppl..the government protects the wealthy..I don’t know how this will end but be prepared for anything..rumor is we will hit the 30s/20s this week..
Dec 19, 2017
I doubt it..the government don’t care about poor ppl..the government protects the wealthy..I don’t know how this will end but be prepared for anything..rumor is we will hit the 30s/20s this week..

Price could definitely drop.

Problem is that retail keeps buying the dips and there's no cost to holding except for the price of the stock.

Hedge funds have to buy back all the shares they've shorted. The more they lower the price......the more shares we buy.......and the more shares the hedgies have to buy back from us.

The price action is just psychological. We can sit on the stock indefinitely. They cannot pay the short interest indefinitely. The goal from them is to appear invincible and make us give up. All we have to do is ignore the noise, price manipulation etc, and just hold.
Oct 22, 2017
I doubt it..the government don’t care about poor ppl..the government protects the wealthy..I don’t know how this will end but be prepared for anything..rumor is we will hit the 30s/20s this week..
Poor people aren’t invested in this. Some, perhaps, but most poor people don’t even know what’s going on. People with modest, middle class means and others with a lot more bread are invested in this. This is a huge play, not a minor squeeze, one in which billions upon billions - and possibly trillions - are at stake. You’re underestimating how monumental this is. Most of the retail investors are probably white, as well, a fact that doesn’t go without consideration by the regulators monitoring this.

I don’t care if it hits $10. That doesn’t even matter. If they sent it to $1, we’d still be rich if they started covering. I care about the fact that they have so many millions of outstanding shorts that they refuse to cover. I care about the blatant price manipulation in the dark pool, which has shielded them from a margin call.

If we lost a bet at the poker table, we couldn’t say, “I’ll pay you in a couple of months. Here’s an IOU.”


Reign X

May 2, 2012