To keep things in perspective.
A lot of the people you hear screaming "HODL" (Hold)
have been in from the beginning, either before January or in January when share prices
were below $8 per share.
Many of those individuals including myself
have already taken out their initial investment in addition to profits, especially if they have hit a lick on option plays in the money.
Yes, these people are going to tell you to "hold"
because what they have in right now are only "profits" so no matter where this thing could theoretically go they are not "tied" to the money because
they have already taken their initial investment and some profits.
If you just jumped into this in the past month, or couple of weeks you need to be
realistic about what your exit strategy is going to be.
At the end of the day I've taken my initial investment out in addition to profits twice over. The money I have in right now is nothing but profits so I'm not emotionally tied to where this thing could go.
Yes, I want it to hit $100K - $500K per share but let's be real;
4.1 million investors, and each has their own exit strategy.
Secondly, people are going to LOOK OUT FOR THEMSELVES FIRST!
So the belief that everyone his going to be holding hands singing cum bi yah together is shortsighted and foolish.
I'm in multiple AMC discords, boards, forums, etc. and you have people using their
mortgage payments, car payments, etc. to buy shares and are sweating at the end of each month waiting for the squeeze to happen
These are the people who are going to bail first when it his $100 - $500 per share because they have too much to lose and are paper hands as a result of their positions (gambling mindset).
I am firm and have no doubt AMC is going to be the MOASS (Mother of all short squeezes) but at the same time
I understand human emotion and everyone and all of these new retail investors are not built for the stock market game.
In one of the discords I am in a dude sold his brand new $40K Silverado for $35K to buy in to AMC
These are the people who haven't done their DD (due diligence) and will be the first ones to bail.
If you are smart you will know less than 50% of that 4.1 million are true APES. They have the mindset of the poster on here whose member name is (fukk You Pay Me)