Ezekiel 25:17
The folks saying "$500/share is enough"....are the folks that will dip at $300. It's not going to shoot straight to $500 and there could be major dips.
That's not an inherently "bad" mindset...it just means they're risk averse and generally take a very conservative position with investments.
Remember that the ride to whatever the peak is will have fast climbs and big dips. $500 to $1,000 isn't all that much considering hedge funds have no way out except for everyone to sell. They are counting on people jumping off the boat ASAP to limit the potential damage.
FUD will get strong and there will be a silent campaign of "encouraging" to nudge people off at lower price points: $100, $200, $500 etc.
It comes down to a question of: are you more afraid of holding the bag......or are you more afraid of cashing out low and watching the price soar? Glass half empty vs glass half full.
$1,000 threshold will be where the risk averse jump off. The number of those folks is relatively small for AMC/GME since the fundamentals don't matter. All that matters is how greedy we are.
The big battle is around $10,000/share. That's where the diamond handed will get tested.
$10,000 is no debt + college tuition + house down payment. A man can dream