Watched the CEO interview. He said the shares they sold basically came out of his own pocket and they have no more to sell. No more dilution at all. He also made the point that 11 million shares during a day with 500 million trading won’t make much of an effect on the price. The price action we saw today was Fud fueled paper hands and a natural pull back of people that may have gotten in yesterday and wanted to make a quick buck. They had the perfect timing with the news and coordinated attacks to get people to sell. But as I said earlier hopefully that was just a transfer of stock from paper hands to diamond hands who will hold/buy through the dips.
AMC now has 2 billion cash and debt doesn’t have to be paid back till 2025 and beyond. Acquisitions and mergers are actively being discussed and big movie after big movie coming out. So their outlook as a company is actually really good right now.
I know this isn’t really a fundamental investment but the healthier they are as a company the better off we are.
Couple speculative reports out that some options action is very bullish for tomorrow and Monday, saying 100 by close is very possible.
Stay positive and see y’all tomorrow