If you are a day trader this is the perfect stock to feast off of.
Word, I'm still way way up from my entry point.
it was at 38 yesterday morning and $19 5 days ago. perspective
Can’t be green everyday, even Gme hit $66 a day after it doubled from $40 to $80
I urge to Buy and Holdbut if you need to take profits, take enough to breakeven/be barely up, and then buy in again on a nice dip like we had today at $39.
Once that climb back up begins, you’ll be happy you did
I also don’t care about PM and AH ups and downs either, we were up to $75 this morning PM, and look where we ended. Don’t be scared of the AH red
I'm gonna sell when it hits 80, keeps dipping up and down.
Getting spoky
I see the volume is 587 million. Can someone explain that and it’s relevance to our come up? The more volume the better?
AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. Announces Outstanding Share | AMC Stock News
- There were 501,780,240 AMC shares outstanding as of June 2, 2021, the record date for the Shareholder Meeting that is scheduled for July 29, 2021.
- AMC expects to receive an approximate count of the number of individual shareholders whose trades have settled as of June 2 and will release this information as soon as it is available, which is currently anticipated to be no later than June 9.
Pray the real live forever man, pray the fakes get exposedAMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. Announces Outstanding Share | AMC Stock News
- There were 501,780,240 AMC shares outstanding as of June 2, 2021, the record date for the Shareholder Meeting that is scheduled for July 29, 2021.
What I’ve read is the filing was from April but there’s no way he knew it was going to boom finally in June.So, been working and can’t really investigate like I want. Did the CEO really provide additional 11.5 million shares today, or was it an old filings rom April? I’ve seen both positions online today.