This is basically insiders forecasting what we've talked about in the beginning. The Great Reset! There's a lot of fluff in the market due to the availability of all the cash they've been printing. Without the daily reverse repo loans ($1.6T Daily) many of those companies wouldn't be operational. So the crash is comingretail.
Outside of Blue chips there are no safe havens for cash on Wall Street. It's not fundamentals that make AMC/GME safe bets. It's the amount of synthetic shares that are being held by retail.
Adam, Ryan Cohen, Elon Musk have acknowledged this illegal practice.
News anchors Charles Payne and Melissa Lee have reported on it.
The DOJ and Fbi are conducting investigations and sending subpoenas to no less than 60 hedge funds.
Motley Fool, MarketWatch and folks like Jim Cramer and Charles Gasparino have deleted hundreds of tweets and articles (of course there are screenshots of everything).
shyt hits the fan! I never subscribed to these ridiculous prices, but I'd much rather be on the inside looking out than on the out looking in.
*A short squeeze: the prices are going to yo yo over the course of months. It's not going to be a 1 day event. The bulk of folks are going to sell early out of fear/fatigue. Word is GME 8×the float, AMC 4×.