I'll be the 1st to come in here and say yall we're right. But until then, I'll continue to hold.
when though? at what point will you realistically say AMC expectations are not aligned with reality?
In 3 months? 6 months? 1 year? 5 years? 10 years?
how many supposed catalysts & time frame targets have to miss?
you said a run up was coming in February, to your credit it ran up and touched $20 then it immediately slid back down. I’m not a chartist but from a charting perspective just watching it every day you can tell it’s regressing, the highs are lower and shorter lived and lows keep getting lower and sitting longer
The next supposed catalyst is 1st week of March, I have those posts bookmarked, and am expecting the same sideways movement at best or sub $15 pps … we’ll see. What then?
The danger in continuously moving the goal posts and time frames in light of downward price action is one day you’ll wake up holding the bag, your entire investment might be bled dry or down 80-90%, volume will be dead, the pumpers will have moved on and you’ll have a sobering moment realizing you were scammed on bad info and likely malicious intention. I’ve been there and hate to see it happen to anybody
that’s why so many of us are crying foul and deciding to move on at a loss, because right now holding the stock Isn’t doing anybody any favors, there’s no real indication shorts have to cover in a way that will trigger MOASS, and a years worth of Reddit posts and tweets on MOASS catalysts and expectations have been WRONG
when i look at a list of the most heavily shorted stocks, AMC doesn't even show up any more. why not? why are AMC shorts specifically going to trigger MOASS at this point and no other heavily shorted stock would?
it would be one thing if PPS was sticking and holding around say $30-$40, instead it’s gotten completely obliterated… and don’t just blame the market when this was suppose to trend against the market. especially since we’ve seen AMC free fall on average worse than the market itself or FAANG
you said this is your first major foray in the stock market, well it’s not mine, I was trading penny stocks heavily 10 years ago and this scenario was common. Replace Reddit with investorhub, it was the same thing, you’d have pumpers drawing up all sorts of pretty charts and analysis, volume metrics, institutional buys, price targets etc and at best, they were right much less than half the time. I think if you’ve seen what I’ve seen in this game you’d be humming a different tune or at the very least, not blindly and naively trusting twitter noise and continuing to defend AMC every time somebody questions it. I know you mean well, but I think you’re likely in for a rude awakening.
charts and analysis can get manipulated, people lie, price per share doesn’t.