You wanna be real? Let's get REAL...
When you began your little "invasion" elsewhere---and bless your little hearts, it was a tremendous effort---but when you began your "invasion", I thought "You know what, this might be interesting". I saw potential in you guys. I figured you could do what the other troll accounts couldn't do, what banned users who bounce back with multiple accounts to rep & converse with themselves couldn't do. Hell, I figured you could do what the bWo, during Rodgersmania last year, couldn't do. I figured you could conquer us. Needless to say, I'm very disappointed in you this evening.
And then I realized what this is REALLY about. For your forum to be SOOOO much better, it seems you've occupied the better part of the past 12 hours making troll accounts on other forums. Not because you're bored & wanna "play" because you'd go to the playground. Not because you want attention and I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt by saying that. No---it's because you HATE it here, you HATE your existence, you HATE your parents existence, you HATE everything about yourselves.
Understand, when it comes to this, you're the Lipstick Alley of what we do. A bunch of bitter groupies, shunned by society. The proverbial outcasts that are used up and thrown in the trash with the rest of your useless kind. And that resting place is The Coli. You hate it here, don't you?
And what's your mission consist of? To troll another forum, complete with suspect names and homoerotic threads about who's blowing who. So, in the midst of your 12 hour circle jerk, that's the best you could come up with?
You guys are pathetic. Now, who got the balls to come to my crib and say something? Rob VanHamSandwhich? Pat Patterson Guy? Brick Flair? Stink = Boredom?
Just give yourself an L and move on with life---before things REALLY get bad for you.