The African-Non Slave descendant American dilemma

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
We have an issue. This issue revolves around Halfricans like me and full blooded Africans born in America. That issue is, involving ourselves in Black benefits claiming being Black while other Blacks who badly struggle by no real fault of their own do not benefit from this as the affects of slavery have destroyed their physic, mindset and vision to build and grow a community and thus for the future.

While some of us are allies like myself or have family within this unit. Those who do not can be allies or in some cases v. Blacks altogether. For example those v. Blacks, Issa Rae, Luvvie, Barack Obama and others with the opportunity presents itself. Issa said, she's tired of speaking on Black issues but she panders to the Black community for ratings and dollars. Luvvie calls Blacks Akatas which in Yoruba means "wild animal". Somalis talk mad shyt about Blacks. Barack Obama fought v. reparations and numerous things which could have benefited descendants of Slaves (DoS).

What is more frighting? 41% of Blacks who tends to make up 12% at Ivy League schools are Africans. But unspoken is how a vast majority of the Blacks outside of that are African 1st gen or 2nd gen American born students. This means that a vast majority of DoS have no shot at getting into these schools and worse is the fact that the Black elite are already a large percent of these entries. Basically, this makes getting into an Ivy League school impossible for a Black person who doesn't play sports at an high level. Now, some schools with except a few but it's not many.

While I am a firm believer that in order for Blacks and African Blacks to get out of white supremacy, they have to work together, but just like they must address the c00ns, DoS's are going to start having to hold Africans citizens of America and American born Africans and Islanders as well to the fire(asking questions and demanding real answers, please do not literally hold them to the fire). These guys can leave tomorrow if shyt pops off, but you, nope! It's time for their to be a trade off of sorts. I say this as a halfrican who is both DoS/African but I will say. I am not the type of DoS that you would imagine due to this. I don't feel the ills of 500 years in me from this trauma. I feel the broken spirit, inhumane, injustice and the wrongs of America. I do not feel what my full DoS cousins feel. To where smoking and drinking, isn't for fun, but it's to cope. Where I overly have to rely on religion because everything, even my mind is fugged up due to centuries of white supremacy. To the point, I don't even want to really talk about it. I'll rather talk about hoes and sports or relationships and RHOA. This is so real for many DoS. This is what I don't think Halfricans, mulattoes as well as other mixed races do not understand or get which I do get. I don't even think Blacks understand how fukked up they are due to white supremacy of over 500 years.

Seriously, we all might go through white supremacy but who else had their babies cut from their stomachs? Who else had to be killed because they were caught reading? Babies fed to Gators? Killed for any protest for any reason? Killed for walking at night? Killed for going to eat at a colored food station? Who else had to be raped because they exist? Who else was hung because they started a successful business? Who else was bombed because they had a successful city that rivaled cacs? Who else was taken from their community on purposed and then blamed for the whole damn thing? Who else was denied access to higher education till the 60's, only to be harmed and damaged while their are forced out of their communities because no one can start a business in a poor non-community? Who else? And there is so much more...

DoS deserve A LOT! It's time for us to recognize that. For Non-DoS, it time to look in the mirror. Your story is nothing like there's. We need to them differently then we have so far and really start sacrificing for them.

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
New Afrikans (descendants of Africans enslaved in the U.S.) have a unique historical experience and position that differentiates our struggle. We are a nation of people but on the whole, we treat our struggle here as one that necessitates integration. What we need is national liberation. Honestly other groups of African descent that immigrate here are not in the same exact situation as we are. But we share a lot of the same issues and can only win if we come together.

Ezigbo Nwanyi

From the East
May 20, 2012
Home of Dr. Michael Okpara & GeneralAguiyi-Ironsi
I will continue saying this, but our job as Africans born in America from African immigrants is to be allies and more importantly to fix our home country. Thats our job as children of parents who immigrated to America. We share the same experiences of Black Americans because by default this country treats anyone black horribly. Us being accepted into 8 Ivy league schools doesnt mean shyt if we have to ask a cac for a job, be told we have an accent or that our name is weird, or even worst cant take the knowledge we gain to go back to our home country and fix the ills of the country because we value notoriety with no tangibles.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
This is true but will be ignored. You should've posted this in TLR because this needs to be expounded upon.
I agree but sometimes TLR tends to not be ready for this is type of conversation. I rather see those who tend to be more aware answer it first.

I will continue saying this, but our job as Africans born in America from African immigrants is to be allies and more importantly to fix our home country. Thats our job as children of parents who immigrated to America. We share the same experiences of Black Americans because by default this country treats anyone black horribly. Us being accepted into 8 Ivy league schools doesnt mean shyt if we have to ask a cac for a job, be told we have an accent or that our name is weird, or even worst cant take the knowledge we gain to go back to our home country and fix the ills of the country because we value notoriety with no tangibles.

Beautiful :to:


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
I have always been a pan-Africanist and found that breaking down barriers of ignorance (unfortunately there is a lot of ignorance amongst my fellow AAs, especially about Africa) has always helped. I wish we had mandatory year long classes about the history and modern state of Africa in middle school. A lot of people I knew or girls I dated told me I was the first DoS AA who knew anything about where they came from.

On the other hand, non-DoS people should hopefully infuse the best parts of African culture into the wider AA culture while resisting the urge to get a superiority complex. Lots of non-DoS people I have known have fallen into this model minority view of themselves since many people now use their success as "proof" AAs didn't succeed fully in America based only on the fact we aren't shyt. Especially when I knew people from the Islands or Africa who didn't want their kids associating with 'us'. I knew Africans who outright said their parents would be pissed if they dated an AA which is sad. I would never say anyone owes us bu we did lay the groundwork for you to come her, be successful, pound PAWGs or whatever

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika

She talked about this on her recent show

I'm gonna listen and I haven't heard of Luvvie before this, but they really don't teach about the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade in Nigeria? :mindblown: millions of people were taken from there and the slave trade greatly disrupted African societies. That shyt wasn't only a problem for those who were enslaved... Africa lost an unfathomable amount of human capital, sons and daughters stripped away who would have contributed thought, labor, arts, music, culture...

How Sway?

Great Value Man
Nov 10, 2012
This is true but will be ignored. You should've posted this in TLR because this needs to be expounded upon.
true, butTLR is full of fukk boys. I think half of them are cac trolls:scusthov:

Anyway, black liberation will only come when Blacks in the west (including african immigrant) create economic ties witrh the continent. At least that is the sfirst step

But that will probably never happen as the there are enough 'successful' people that are satisfied and comfortable AND the people that this would help the most (being the working class/poor) are ignorant of the fact and could give a rats azz about the continent cuz they're just trying to survive..


Aug 6, 2015

That issue is, involving ourselves in Black benefits claiming being Black while other Blacks who badly struggle by no real fault of their own do not benefit from this as the affects of slavery have destroyed their physic, mindset and vision to build and grow a community and thus for the future.

Are you saying it's Black Americans - aka "DOS" are at fault for these issues? If so, this is untrue.

I do not feel what my full DoS cousins feel. To where smoking and drinking, isn't for fun, but it's to cope. Where I overly have to rely on religion because everything, even my mind is fugged up due to centuries of white supremacy. To the point, I don't even want to really talk about it. I'll rather talk about hoes and sports or relationships and RHOA. This is so real for many DoS. This is what I don't think Halfricans, mulattoes as well as other mixed races do not understand or get which I do get. I don't even think Blacks understand how fukked up they are due to white supremacy of over 500 years.

Do you really believe the majority of Black American/DOS engage in this behavior - meaning smoking, drinking - so much it deters them from trying/working in life?

Do you really believe or blame sports, relationships and reality TV shows for the issues in the Black community? Especially, when Africans and other immigrants tune in and engage in the exact same behavior.

In my opinion, the issue is education of Africans/African Immigrants about slavery and reconstruction. One thing, that struck me about Luuvie - and others such as the guy that played Kunta in the latest Roots - is they didn't learn or know about Slavery or the Black Experience in America. They only knew us from media, entertainment - music videos. It's mind blowing for that not to be taught - especially since our ancestors are from the continent of Africa. I would think the history would be told and they could connect with it - meaning feel empathy but see how far we have come.

I think it's a respect issue - they don't see us as trying or grateful I guess - and their view of us via the media - has lead to many biased stereotypes and buying into the white supremacist mind-set or opinions about Black Americans.

I also think that Africans are very country/community/tribal based - and they have always practiced that - they are proud of their specific country/people/customs/tribes. Skin color is just skin color - it's about lineage/custom/tribe/community. This is their way of life - I don't see that changing anytime soon.

Black Americans see skin color as our tribe/community - that's the issue.
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#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
I've felt this to be true OP

But undertaking policy-measures to reduce the over-representation of recent immigrants from Africa (or their children) from spots typically reserved for Af-Ams will cause a bifurcation of Black people in America. What solutions do you have in mind?
I'll get it to you tomorrow


Born of the Night
Jan 2, 2017
KIC 8462852
I'm a Halfrican. Don't really know how much of an opinion Im allowed to have even tho my other parent is a DoS Black American. Im committed to seeing DoS Black Americans thrive, overcome and be successful in this country as a whole and on an individual level. America owes them A LOT and are deserved better. The lady from the video upthread made very good and valid points. I subscribed.