Essential The Africa the Media Doesn't Tell You About

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
At the bolded part - Palm Oil is such a huge commodity that it's one of the causes for the deforestation of Borneo.

The strangest part is that the palm oil industry was imported to Asia from West Africa. So that tree is actually an invasive species Asia, but it is actually a tree that grows naturally in West Africa.

History and Origin - The Oil Palm
Palm oil in Africa |
History of Palm Oil
Palm oil: The pros and cons of a controversial commodity | China Dialogue


Dec 24, 2014
Abolish Africa’s Sovereign Debtors’ Prisons Now


Posted at 10:15h in Blog, Featured by roape1974

In a radical call for reform of the IMF’s pro-creditor and anti-growth approach to indebted countries in Africa, Ndongo Sylla and Peter Doyle argue that the continent has a choice to make. Creditors, using the IMF, must be stopped from forcing devastating output losses by imposing high primary surpluses.

By Ndongo Samba Sylla and Peter Doyle

Within a decade, just to keep up with the flow of new entrants into its labour markets, sub-Saharan Africa needs to create 20 million new jobs every year. This is a huge challenge. But it is also a thrilling opportunity—to harness the energy and creativity of all of Africa’s young.

However, after it reviews these issues in Africa, the IMF’s immediate message—literally in the same sentence—is to pivot to ‘budget cuts to secure debt sustainability!’

That is plain wrong. For Africa to meet its development objectives, the IMF must radically change its pro-creditor anti-growth approach to highly indebted/insolvent countries.

In particular, the IMF’s priority is that to support job-creating new debt, the first task is to pay old debt, even if doing so means cutting budgets and activity to pay off old creditors.

Sadly, the IMF persists in choosing these priorities despite the lessons to be learned about the failure of that strategy where it has been tried and fully implemented.

For example, Jamaica, in the past decade, has followed this IMF playbook. Its government was instructed by the IMF to run huge primary budget surpluses—meaning that tax revenue exceeds total public spending excluding interest payments—to pay down debt.

Unlike most, Jamaica stuck to those instructions long enough to see what the results were.

So what were the results?

Well, Jamaican public debt has fallen, from 140 percent of GDP a decade ago to 95 percent now. But under this old-debt-first IMF priority, jobs fell from 2009, barely regaining their 2009 level from 2016 and the country’s GDP per capita also declined.

This is all in stark contrast to similar countries, notably our fastest growing African countries, including Kenya, Uganda, Botswana, Namibia, and Mauritius, where instead of falling, GDP per capita rose some 25-35 percent in the same global environment.

All that is no surprise. With resources thus directed to pay down old debt, Jamaica could not apply them to invest in hurricane protection and recovery, water management, or schools, or to reduce taxes to spur business.

The contrast with the fastest growing African countries show just how much output was forgone in Jamaica in pursuit of this old-debt-first approach—40 percent of 2009 Jamaican GDP. That is the order of magnitude of output foregone in Jamaica in just one decade.

Such output losses forced by creditors have happened before. In Victorian times, a tailor could be jailed by creditors when she defaulted. In jail, she made no dresses. The creditors didn’t care about that loss of output. They just turned the screws on her family to pay up.

We now regard all that as barbaric, and, over their violent opposition, personal insolvency laws have been changed to prevent creditors from disregarding output losses like that.

But creditors (including the Chinese), through the IMF, still do that to sovereign debtors.

And not just in Jamaica. The IMF right now is demanding high primary budget surpluses in the medium term including in Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Angola, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, the Seychelles, Congo, and South Sudan—all to pay off old debts.

As Jamaica shows, that is a recipe for stagnation at best. The IMF is wrong to point the finger of blame at debtors for failing to exhibit enough commitment and energy to it. It is hardly the jailed tailor’s fault that she cannot produce!

Instead, the world and Africa have a choice to make. Because just as with individual insolvencies—where other arrangements were put in place to block creditor disregard for output foregone—it is perfectly technically feasible to install better insolvency arrangements for Sovereigns too.

We detail such alternative arrangements, what we call ‘A Pre-Emptive Sovereign Insolvency Regime’ (PSIR), which are constructed on the same basis as those which have applied to US banks for over half a century—through which many hundreds of banks have successfully been restructured. A fuller account of the proposal may be found here.

The key is that the IMF would force debt write downs when public debt ratios cannot be stabilized without raising the budget primary balance above 2 percent of GDP, not, as now, only when debt ratios rise unsustainably.

So old creditors would not be able to force output losses by imposing high primary surpluses via the IMF. But beneficiaries would have to fulfill other conditionality so as to secure the consequent growth and jobs dividend. On this basis, the IMF would finance the beneficiaries’ transition to new creditors.

Had these arrangements applied to Jamaica from 2009, its debt would have been written off to levels consistent with low primary surpluses. That would have allowed Jamaica to invest and grow in the past decade, just as our fastest growing African countries did, and just as Africa as a whole needs to do now, instead of just grinding down old debt.

Absent those arrangements, Jamaica had no choice but to conform. But it should not have been faced with that “choice”. Given the results, including spurring disorderly emigration, no other country should face that choice again.

The benefits of a PSIR go far beyond delivering the output potential of those countries which are highly indebted now. By removing their IMF ‘high primary balance backstop’, it mobilizes all creditors to press for substantive accountability and transparency up front, instead of colluding with corrupt and inept leaders to impose illegitimate and wasteful debt onto Africa’s poorest citizens. It would also slow capital inflows during commodity booms.

As with debtor-prison regimes of personal insolvency, only old creditors stand in the way of this output-boosting, job-creating, anti-corruption, and commodity-boom-smoothing reform. The 1987 warning by the late Thomas Sankara, the charismatic President of Burkina Faso, echoes more loudly than ever: ‘If we don’t repay [external debt], lenders will not die. That is for sure. But if we repay, we are going to die. That is also for sure.’

It is time to choose. Is Africa to be subjected again to the debtors’ prison it endured with the Structural Adjustment Policies (SAPs) in the 1980s and 1990s, being forced to raise primary surpluses to pay debt at the expense of output and decent jobs, or does Africa stand up to insist that Sovereign Insolvency Arrangements be brought out of the 19th and into the 21st Century, to make millions of new jobs per year possible?

The IMF’s founding mandate was to secure output, not debt. If Africa rescues that global body from the clutches of creditors by insisting on these reforms to the sovereign insolvency regime, Africa would bring the IMF back into compliance with its mandate. This would set the stage for the realization of the potential of all of our people.

Africa should call for the world and the IMF to abolish sovereign debtors’ prisons now.

Ndongo Samba Sylla is Research and Programme Manager for the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. He is the editor and author of a number of books including The Fair Trade Scandal.

Peter Doyle is a former senior economist at the International Monetary Fund. He resigned in 2012 because of the Fund’s “incompetence” and failure to warn about the urgency of the global financial crisis.

Featured Photograph: Chinese President Xi Jinping with South African President Cyril Ramaphosa at the 2018 Beijing Summit of The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in Beijing, China (4 September 2018).

Abolish Africa’s Sovereign Debtors’ Prisons Now

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
Kenyan inventor gets screwed over and thrown out of company by Silicon Valley execs

We're gonna learn one day to learn from each other (diaspora <---> continent) and from the past. :wow:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
Lagos Nigeria is expected to be the world's most populated city in 2100. It has a population of 21 million right now and is expected to reach anywhere from 63 to 80 million.

That my friends means there is a lot of money to be made.

@Lord Scarf @88m3 @DEAD7 @Elle Driver @Hiphoplives4eva
I'm already doing business there. Prospects are bright. God willing I'll have my house in bannana island within 5 years

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
All those things are in America in abundance you since.
Africa is actually the richest continent on earth.

Stay your ass in Babylon hoe. We don't need c00ns in Africa.

And just to compare. NYC has 8.7M people. And it's the highest populated US city. Twice as high as the 2nd most populated city which is L.A.


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits

And just to compare. NYC has 8.7M people. And it's the highest populated US city. Twice as high as the 2nd most populated city which is L.A.
So you've never been to LA?

The city of LA has 4.1 million people....

LA County has 18 million people.

For reference the "city of LA" is only like 14 miles.

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
How the fukk are can you have name like secure da bag, but be scared to make money. :dahell:

Are you @Serious ?:snoop:

I'm not worried about any of you making money. I'm talking about the damn city itself. It already has 21M people. Now it's gonna be 63M. How much city expansion is gonna take place to hold that many people? And provide them adequate services.


Dec 24, 2014
Mozambique: Frelimo Founder Marcelino Dos Santos Dies


Photo: Frelimo official page

11 FEBRUARY 2020

Maputo — One of the founders of the Mozambique Liberation Front (Frelimo), Marcelino dos Santos, died in Maputo on Tuesday, at the age of 90.

Fittingly, his death was announced by President Filipe Nyusi, speaking in the northern city of Pemba. "We have lost our icon, Comrade Marcelino dos Santos", said Nyusi, promising that more details will be made public later.

"We will organise ourselves, as a government, because he has already been declared a national hero (in 2015)", he added.

Marcelino dos Santos was born on 20 May 1929 in Lumbo, Mozambique Island district, in the northern province of Nampula. He was deeply involved in nationalist policies from an early age.

He was a student in Lisbon from 1948 to 1951. Under surveillance from the Portuguese political police, the PIDE, he escaped to France where he worked with many other exiled African nationalists. Alongside the Angolan Mario Pinto de Andrade, and the leader of the Guinea-Bissau liberation struggle, Amilcar Cabral, he founded the Conference of Nationalist Organisations of the Portuguese Colonies (CONCP) in 1961, and became General Secretary of this organisation.

By then, the first Mozambican nationalist movements were being set up, and dos Santos became head of the foreign relations department of Udenamo (National Democratic Union of Mozambique).

In 1962, Udenamo merged with two other movements, Manu (Mozambique African National Union) and Unami (National African Union for the Independence of Mozambique) to form Frelimo, under the leadership of Eduardo Mondlane. It was dos Santos who wrote the first Frelimo statutes.

When Mondlane was assassinated by the Portuguese colonial regime in 1969, dos Santos became one of a three member presidential triumvirate, alongside Samora Machel and Uria Simango, that briefly led the movement.

Simago soon defected, writing the bitter tract "Gloomy Situation in Frelimo", and in 1970 Machel was elected President of Frelimo and dos Santos Deputy President.

After independence, in 1975, dos Santos became Minister of Planning and Development in Machel's first government. He held several other senior state and party positions, but perhaps the most important of these roles was that of chairperson (speaker) of the Mozambican Parliament, the People's Assembly from 1986 to 1994.

He was at the head of what became the most reforming parliament in Mozambican history - which abolished the one party state, replacing it with political pluralism, approved a Constitution of the Republic which included guarantees for freedom of assembly, freedom of expression and freedom of the press, and even changed the county's name - from People's Republic to Republic of Mozambique.

Despite this liberalisation, and despite Frelimo's embrace of a market economy, dos Santos never wavered in his commitment to socialism.

His age and his increasing frailty restricted his activities in his final years, but he remained a member of the Frelimo Central Committee to his dying day - he was last re-elected to the Party's Central Committe at its 11th Congreess in 2017.

Dos Santos was also a poet, writing under the pseudonyms of Kulangano and Lilinho Micaia. His early poetry was published in the Mozambican paper "O Brado Africano", and his work also appeared in the 1950s in two anthologies edited by the "Casa dos Estudantes do Imperio" ("House of the Students of the Empire") in Lisbon. A collection of his poetry was also published in the Soviet Union.

Mozambique: Frelimo Founder Marcelino Dos Santos Dies