YesGet out of land we've been on for thousands of years?

YesGet out of land we've been on for thousands of years?
I've never seen to an African city this clean
It all boils down to the constitution. Tanzania and alot of African states still have cold-war era constitutions that give precedence and encourage the big man syndrome.You guys havent been keeping up? For a while now he's been shutting down opposition groups, critics and others he sees against him SWIFTLY and sometimes ruthlessly. He's did this with news journals, churches and others. Anyone who criticizes his govt. Its looking like a mild Ethiopia.
I know not all leaders has to be a white knight and some have to be ruthlesss.... But DAMN.
Exactly. I don't know if its African culture or something else that makes these leaders so power hungry.
GERD’s 9 million cubic meter concrete filling completed
ADDIS ABABA – The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) main dam concrete filling has been completed by 9 million cubic meters while Sadel Dam project concrete filling reached 11.3 million cubic meters.
GERD project manager Engineer Semegew Bekele has recently given general brief about the status of the dam construction for journalists who visited the dam. He said 10.1 million cubic meter concrete filling is needed to reach the full length of the dam which is 145-meters-high above sea level and 1,780 meters width.
Additionally, hydroelectric mechanical and civil works of two power generator stations, which are found beneath, is underway. The construction of emergency controlling doors, for sudden and high-water overflow, is accelerating.
As for Sadel Dam, 11.3 million cubic stone filling was accomplished for 16.5 million cubic meter stone is needed to fill the 5.2 kilo meters length and 50 meters width. He also said that number of workers in the construction of the GERD which was 13 thousand has decreased to 9 thousand due to the fact that when the dam grows in length its width gets smaller and machinery and man power is less needed.
The total status of the GERD project has also reached 63% currently.
GERD’s 9 million cubic meter concrete filling completed
Egypt in the cut![]()
That shyt's gonna suck the water out of Egypt and Sudan.
I posted on this in the Ethiopian Hydropower thread. I can see Egypt attacking Ethiopia if the Trump administration gives them the go-ahead. Or Egypt using Eritrea as a proxy. There are reports that Egypt has gotten the uses of Eritrean air bases. shyt is spooky outchea
Yeah they got caught discussing an attack on Ethiopia back in 2013, Ethiopia's telling mf's to hurry up with the construction, they're already done with the concrete filling even though they were supposed to wait a bunch of studies on the impact this shyt would have on the environment. And Sudan's giving Egypt theafter they found out Egypt was trying to ho them out of dam talks.
Sudan stands to benefit from cheaper electricity. They seem less concerned about the impact on the Nile than Egypt. I wonder why that is...
and there's a chance it might cause an earthquake.
How? Link?
Earthquakes can be induced by dams. Globally, there are over 100 identified cases of earthquakes that scientists believe were triggered by reservoirs (see Gupta 2002). The most serious case may be the 7.9-magnitude Sichuan earthquake in May 2008, which killed an estimated 80,000 people and has been linked to the construction of the Zipingpu Dam. [...]
"The most widely accepted explanation of how dams cause earthquakes is related to the extra water pressure created in the micro-cracks and fissures in the ground under and near a reservoir. When the pressure of the water in the rocks increases, it acts to lubricate faults which are already under tectonic strain, but are prevented from slipping by the friction of the rock surfaces."
Given that every dam site has unique geological characteristics, it is not possible to accurately predict when and where earthquakes will occur. However, the International Commission on Large Dams recommends that RIS should be considered for reservoirs deeper than 100 meters.[...]
[...] The Dam is located in the geologically complex area of the Great African Rift , with a number of faults and cracks and weak volcanic basalt rocks.
The weight of the water 74 billion cubic metres and heavy weight of silt that estimated to be 420 billion cubic metres may cause earthquakes on the dam’s reservoir that can lead to[ cracks in the dam and its collapse. If the dam collapsed, the flowing water will lead to collapse of Sudanese Roseires and Sennar dams and Ethiopia would not be affected at all. There are precedents for earthquakes in Lake dams due to the huge weight: the Hoover Dam lake in California in 1975; Lake Konya Dam in West India 200 km south of Bombay in 1967, which killed 200, injured 2,300 people and caused the destruction of 80% of housing in the area; Lake Hsinfeng Kiang Dam, South China in 1962, which led to damage to the dam body. There have been 18 earthquakes in China associated with the dam reservoirs. [...]
[...] The Grand Renaissance Dam site is in the Great African Rift Valley near the Afar Depression, an area in which tectonic turmoil is so great it could, according to some accounts, eventually tear the continent in two. The dam could be at risk from damage by earthquakes, yet no one knows if it has even been analysed for this risk, or the largest earthquake it is being designed to withstand. The failure of such a huge structure puts the more than 100 million people living downstream at risk.
On top of that risk is that of 'reservoir induced seismicity'. A dam with a reservoir as large as this is not just vulnerable to seismic events - it can cause them. Scientists believe that there have been more than 100 instances on six continents of large reservoirs inducing earthquakes. The most serious to date was China's devastating magnitude 7.9 earthquake in 2008, which some experts believe was induced by Zipingpu Dam. [...]
Why are Dams Often Built in Active Earthquake Areas?
Reservoir Triggered Earthquakes
- Dams are usually built in valleys
- Valleys exist because active erosion is taking place
- Active erosion implies there has been recent uplift
- Under compressional tectonic force, reverse or thrust faults produce uplift
- Reverse or thrust faults dip under the upthrown block
- Therefore, many dams have an active fault dipping under them
Large new reservoirs can trigger earthquakes. This is due to either:
For triggered earthquakes to occur, both mechanisms require that the area is already under considerable tectonic stress.
- change in stress because of the weight of water, or more commonly by
- increased groundwater pore pressure decreasing the effective strength of the rock under the reservoir.
Reservoir triggered earthquakes are often referred to as reservoir induced seismicity (RIS), but use of the term “induced” is now becoming unfashionable. To many people it implies that the reservoir caused the earthquake. The energy released in a reservoir triggered earthquake is normal tectonic strain energy that has been prematurely released because of the reservoir. [...]