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Dec 17, 2013
China slowdown dims Botswana’s minerals prospects

International demand for Botswana’s mineral dominated by diamonds, copper and nickel will remain comparatively weak in 2016, given forecast of a further slowdown in China’s economic growth, an international authoritative economic report predicts.


Sluggish: Demand for diamonds in he second half of 2015 is expected to be worse than the 2008 crisis

China is the second largest consumer of diamonds while it is the top buyer of commodities such as copper and coal.

According to the report compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), the impact of the softening in international demand was already evident in the first half of 2015, with Botswana’s earnings from rough diamond exports falling by 16.8 percent year-on-year to $1.7 billion (P17.6 billion).

Export of polished stones were worst affected as it declined even more sharply by 32.2 percent to $300 million.

“Although China’s economic growth rate is set to remain relatively lacklustre by its own recent standards, rising demand from other key markets -- including the US, Japan, India and the Gulf -- will help to support a recovery in export revenue in 2017-20. This will be supplemented by the structural shift that is under way in Botswana’s diamond sector -- driven by an expansion in downstream activity, as more local companies provide cutting and polishing services,” read the report.

Weak demand for minerals, particularly diamonds has already forced the ministry of finance officials to cut 2015 growth targets from 4.9 to 2.6 percent while the budget is now seen posting P2.6 billion deficit from a earlier target of P4.03 billon.

Reflecting the dampening effect on economic activity of declining mining production in the face of weak global demand, the EIU has also lowered estimates for Botswana’s real GDP growth in 2015 to 2.8% from 4 percent.

Despite the slowdown in mineral activity this year, the EIU says strong demand for capital goods to develop the burgeoning non-diamond mining sector, together with a recovery in oil prices, will lead to a quickening in the pace of import growth from 2016 onwards.

“We expect transfers from SACU to average $1.3 billion in 2016-20 down sharply from $1.8 billion in 2014. However, there is a risk that the decline could be even bigger if South Africa follows through with its plans for a reform of the current revenue-sharing formula.

“The deficit on primary income will rise, reflecting a pick-up in dividend payments by mining companies although such payments are expected to remain below pre-2011 levels, owing to relatively muted global commodity prices,” added the report.

Non–diamond mining activities that are also seen boosting Botswana’s prospects in the next two years include the recent inauguration of Pula steel plant, as well as continued growth in tourism helped by a recovery in the key European market.

Notwithstanding the continued weakness in global copper prices, a number of developments, such as Khoemacau’s project in the North West, are seen eventually establishing Botswana as a major copper producer. Considerable headway has also been made in uranium-mining prospects as well as monetisation of the country’s 2012 billion tonnes of coal resource.

Looking ahead, the report says the primary risk to Botswana’s growth outlook is uncertain global demand for diamonds, as well as volatile world copper and coal prices. The current regional drought -- which could be further exacerbated by the El Niño weather phenomenon -- also has the potential to cause significant disruption to economic activity, through increasingly severe shortages of water, the EIU said.

Mmegi Online :: China slowdown dims Botswana’s minerals prospects

The whole commodities slowdown has hopefully taught African nations to diversify their economies.


Dec 24, 2014

Wasn't @Poitier always talking about 3-D printing and how it can be benefitial to Black people? :pachaha:

The whole commodities slowdown has hopefully taught African nations to diversify their economies.

Ehh I'm not sure about this...


Dec 24, 2014
CIF cement plant provides electricity to the Angolan public grid


The cement plant of the China International Fund group (CIF) in Luanda will provide 50 megawatts of electricity to the Angolan public grid, under a presidential order authorising the purchase of energy.

The order, cited by Portuguese news agency Lusa, said that the power purchase agreement would be valid for ten years but gave no figures for the amounts involved in the purchase of electricity by the state-owned Rede Nacional de Transporte (National Transmission Grid).

“Given that the studies conducted to assess the supply and demand for electricity in the Luanda region indicate a deficit of 400 megawatts (this contract is authorised) until structural projects that are underway start operating,” said the order authorising the contract with CIF.

The government of Angola is working on several projects that will increase national electricity production, including construction of two damsby Brazilian construction company Odebrecht.

This is the case of the Lauca hydroelectric facility in the municipality of Cambambe (Kwanza Norte province), costing US$4.3 billion and financed by a credit line from Brazil and from 2017 will produce 2,070 megawatts and serve 5 million people.

Another of the works involves increasing the power of the Cambambe hydroelectric facility, in the same municipality, which will increase from 180 megawatts – since it opened in 1963, in the Portuguese colonial period – to 700 megawatts and be put into operation in stages during the second half of 2016.

The future Soyo combined-cycle plant, the construction of which is the responsibility of the China Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC) and that will cost the Angolan state more than US$900 million, will provide electricity to the capital, Luanda, and north of Angola from 2017 onwards. (macauhub/AO/CN)

CIF cement plant provides electricity to the Angolan public grid | Macauhub English

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra

I'm not a fan of Gadaffi. Would a pan-Africanist invade Chad or give training, support and arms to Charles Taylor?

Moreover, I disagree with his policies. I cannot trust one single body to be the 'Armed Forces of Africa'. Single currencies have issue re: Eurozone.

However, I do agree with freedom of movement/work.


Dec 24, 2014
ADB provides US$29 million for three projects in Guinea-Bissau


The African Development Bank (ADB) has provided 19 billion CFA francs (US$28.97 million) to Guinea-Bissau to fund three projects, and the documentation was signed Monday in Bissau.

The projects covered, presented at a Brussels roundtable meeting last March, are “supporting reinforcement of good economic and financial governance”, “Support for accounting units” and “Improvement of electricity supply services to the city of Bissau.”

The Guinean Minister of Economy and Finance, Geraldo Martins, described the act as the fulfilment of the financial pledge by the ADB for some of the projects presented in Brussels.

Martins stressed the importance of such projects, which in his view will help the country improve management of public finances by improving mechanisms for monitoring and combating corruption.

“During the roundtable in Brussels, the ADB pledged to fund several projects in Guinea-Bissau,” recalled the minister, who stressed that the three projects now being funded were part of the strategic plan presented by the government at the time.

The ADB mission, headed by the regional representative for Guinea-Bissau, Mamadou Lamine Ndongo, will be have an audience in the next few days with Prime Minister Carlos Correia and the President of the Republic, José Mário Vaz. (macauhub/GW)

ADB provides US$29 million for three projects in Guinea-Bissau | Macauhub English