The **** did he say, Smart you dumb bytch??? He's blaming the "stars" where 1 scored 10 points in the 1st quarter and then was put on the bench for the rest of the half. Your "star" did get out to a good start you dumb ****. If Smart wasn't such a dumb bytch, we'd have at least 5 more wins than what we have now.
Smart I swear you are the dumbest coach in the ****ing league, you say players didn't get off to a good start, but you decide to ride Salmons and IT, what the **** did they do for us you ****ing *******. Your ****ing hard on for IT, MT, and Salmons might cost us our two best players cause you can't draw a play for **** you dumb ****.
I hope the fans in Sacramento run you the **** out the city after Wednesday's finale, you deserve to coach DII after 3 years of pathetic coach you ****ing imbecile. You show favortism in you coaching and look where it got you, not a damn thing, but a paycheck.
You see how good Golden State got after you left, you wanna know why Smart, I'll let you in on a little secret, cause YOU PLAY AND LOSE WITH YOUR STARTERS, NOT YOUR ****ING 8TH AND 9TH PLAYERS, YOU ASSHAT!!!!!