If you are black, I would suggest not buying into any racial streotypes. Even those targeting other folks. Its no different than cacs believing black people are inherently less intelligent because of lower test scores and lack of academic achievement. Like I said before, the mind is a powerful thing. If you believe you are lesser than, then that is what you will become.
As far as I can tell white Europeans are not genetically any different than white Americans. Why can they produce Hall of Famers on the regular and American whites can't? And better yet, its not like every black NBA star is a freak athlete. We have many black stars that dominate the league with not much athleticism (i.e. James Harden, Steph Curry, Klay Thompson, Trae Young, and so on). The idea that any group is inherently better than another group at any human activity is false. If you are black, you should know better than that. Cause if you start buying into racist notions of athletic superiority then you are also accepting their ideas of intellectual inferiority as well.
People that are great at basketball are great because of their passion and work ethic for the craft far more than some genetic predisposition. To think black athletes are dominant just because they are black is to sell their work ethic, intelligence, and determination short. Racist cacs like to do that. I wish black folks would be smart enough not to fall for it.