The 1885 Berlin Conference - Destroyed African Nations and Territory Identity


Jan 5, 2014
There have been countless leaders who really did have the people's well being at heart and could've been amazing for their respective nations in Africa. ALL OF THEM were killed off by CIA, Mossad as well as other europeam intelligence agencies.

Again you seem to either be extremely ignorant on FACTs or are purposely focusing only on black Africans as if there are no thriving pockets all over the continent (that thrived either because they have been largely left alone or they thrived inspite of their artificially created hardships)

As to your question, YES, most if not all the terrorist groups operating not only in Africa but also the Middle East are funded by either the CIA, Mossad, MI6, Saudi Arabia or the French.
The mossad? Lemme guess u Muslim right? I know its a Muslim trait to blame the Jews...Africa might have been god's only mistake...the place is worthless, there ain't worth more than a MCchiken..stupid Africans are tribalistic as fukk..200 languages are spoken within 50 miles of each other so the people got nothing in common besides being black...I don't give 2 fukks about which leaders had the best intentions for Africa, the bottom line is its been 60 years and all we see from Africa is those damn feed the children commercials...


All Star
Jun 27, 2012
The mossad? Lemme guess u Muslim right? I know its a Muslim trait to blame the Jews...Africa might have been god's only mistake...the place is worthless, there ain't worth more than a MCchiken..stupid Africans are tribalistic as fukk..200 languages are spoken within 50 miles of each other so the people got nothing in common besides being black...I don't give 2 fukks about which leaders had the best intentions for Africa, the bottom line is its been 60 years and all we see from Africa is those damn feed the children commercials...

Now it's perfectly clear to me that I've been talking to a fukking imbecile who has no critical thinking skills.

No I'm not Muslim. It's actually a fact that Mossad executed multiple freedom fighters and community organiZers during apartheid South Africa. The CIA had a hand in the kidnapping and assassination of Patrice Lumumba. The British did the same to Steven Biko....

I could go on and on listing verified & cerifiable FACTS but it's clear you have a prepubescent mind and live in the LA LA land of bullshyt ass pre conceived notions. You're too fukking stupid to realize a KKK redneck would agree with everything you said word for word.

I'm done with you sambo. Any self respecting person would agree with me.



Jan 5, 2014
[QUOTcouple GSR, post: 14145984, member: 4526"]:patrice::what:

Now it's perfectly clear to me that I've been talking to a fukking imbecile who has no critical thinking skills.

No I'm not Muslim. It's actually a fact that Mossad executed multiple freedom fighters and community organiZers during apartheid South Africa. The CIA had a hand in the kidnapping and assassination of Patrice Lumumba. The British did the same to Steven Biko....

I could go on and on listing verified & cerifiable FACTS but it's clear you have a prepubescent mind and live in the LA LA land of bullshyt ass pre conceived notions. You're too fukking stupid to realize a KKK redneck would agree with everything you said word for word.

I'm done with you sambo. Any self respecting person would agree with me.

So a couple good leaders out of a billion people is all africa has to offer? :mjcry: and we wonder why africa is called the dark continent...


All Star
Jun 27, 2012
To throw this thread back on course:

100 African Cities Destroyed By Europeans

When tourists visit sub-Saharan Africa, they often wonder “Why there are no historical buildings or monuments?”
The reason is simple. Europeans have destroyed most of them. We have only left drawings and descriptions by travelers who have visited the places before the destructions. In some places, ruins are still visible. Many cities have been abandoned into ruin when Europeans brought exotic diseases (smallpox and influenza) which started spreading and killing people. The ruins of those cities are still hidden. In fact the biggest part of Africa history is still under the ground.

In this post, I’ll share pieces of informations about Africa before the arrival of Europeans, the destroyed cities and lessons we could learn as africans for the future.

Many drawings are from the book African Cities and Towns Before the European Conquest byRichard W. Hull, published in 1976. That book alone dispels the stereotypical view of Africans living in simple, primitive, look-alike agglomerations, scattered without any appreciation for planning and design.

In fact, at the end of the 13th century, when a european traveler encountered the great Benin Cityin West Africa (present Nigeria, Edo State), he wrote as follows:

“The town seems to be very great. When you enter into it, you go into a great broad street, not paved, which seems to be seven or eight times broader than the Warmoes street in Amsterdam…The Kings palace is a collection of buildings which occupy as much space as the town of Harlem, and which is enclosed with walls. There are numerous apartments for the Prince`s ministers and fine galleries, most of which are as big as those on the Exchange at Amsterdam. They are supported by wooden pillars encased with copper, where their victories are depicted, and which are carefully kept very clean. The town is composed of thirty main streets, very straight and 120 feet wide, apart from an infinity of small intersecting streets. The houses are close to one another, arranged in good order. These people are in no way inferior to the Dutch as regards cleanliness; they wash and scrub their houses so well that they are polished and shining like a looking glass.” (Source: Walter Rodney, ‘How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, pg. 69)

Sadly, in 1897, Benin City was destroyed by British forces under Admiral Harry Rawson. The city was looted, blown up and burnt to the ground. A collection of the famous Benin Bronzes are now in the British Museum in London. Part of the 700 stolen bronzes by the British troops were sold back to Nigeria in 1972.

Here is another account of the great Benin City regarding the city walls “They extend for some 16 000 kilometres in all, in a mosaic of more than 500 interconnected settlement boundaries. They cover 6500 square kilometres and were all dug by the Edo people. In all, they are four times longer than the Great Wall of China, and consumed a hundred times more material than the Great Pyramid of Cheops. They took an estimated 150 million hours of digging to construct, and are perhaps the largest single archaeological phenomenon on the planet.” Source: Wikipedia, Architecture of Africa.” Fred Pearce the New Scientist 11/09/99.

Here is a view of Benin city in 1891 before the British conquest. H. Ling Roth, Great Benin, Barnes and Noble reprint. 1968.

Here below are some depictions of emperor Mansa Musa, the richest man in human history.

The Malian city of Timbuktu had a 14th century population of 115,000 – 5 times larger than mediaeval London.

National Geographic recently described Timbuktu as the Paris of the mediaeval world, on account of its intellectual culture. According to Professor Henry Louis Gates, 25,000 university students studied there.

“Many old West African families have private library collections that go back hundreds of years. The Mauritanian cities of Chinguetti and Oudane have a total of 3,450 hand written mediaeval books. There may be another 6,000 books still surviving in the other city of Walata. Some date back to the 8th century AD. There are 11,000 books in private collections in Niger.

Finally, in Timbuktu, Mali, there are about 700,000 surviving books. They are written in Mande, Suqi, Fulani, Timbuctu, and Sudani. The contents of the manuscripts include math, medicine, poetry, law and astronomy. This work was the first encyclopedia in the 14th century before the Europeans got the idea later in the 18th century, 4 centuries later.

A collection of one thousand six hundred books was considered a small library for a West African scholar of the 16th century. Professor Ahmed Baba of Timbuktu is recorded as saying that he had the smallest library of any of his friends – he had only 1600 volumes.

Concerning these old manuscripts, Michael Palin, in his TV series Sahara, said the imam of Timbuktu “has a collection of scientific texts that clearly show the planets circling the sun. They date back hundreds of years . . . Its convincing evidence that the scholars of Timbuktu knew a lot more than their counterparts in Europe. In the fifteenth century in Timbuktu the mathematicians knew about the rotation of the planets, knew about the details of the eclipse, they knew things which we had to wait for 150 almost 200 years to know in Europe when Galileo and Copernicus came up with these same calculations and were given a very hard time for it.

The old Malian capital of Niani had a 14th century building called the Hall of Audience. It was an surmounted by a dome, adorned with arabesques of striking colours. The windows of an upper floor were plated with wood and framed in silver; those of a lower floor were plated with wood, framed in gold.

Malian sailors got to America in 1311 AD, 181 years before Columbus. An Egyptian scholar, Ibn Fadl Al-Umari, published on this sometime around 1342. In the tenth chapter of his book, there is an account of two large maritime voyages ordered by the predecessor of Mansa Musa, a king who inherited the Malian throne in 1312. This mariner king is not named by Al-Umari, but modern writers identify him as Mansa Abubakari II.” Excerpt from Robin Walker’s book, ‘WHEN WE RULED’

Those event were happening at the same period when Europe as a continent was plunged into the Dark Age, ravaged by plague and famine, its people killing one another for religious and ethnic reasons.

Here below are some depiction of the city of Timbuktu in the 19th century.

Kumasi was the capital of the Asante Kingdom, 10th century-20th century. Drawings of life in Kumasi show homes, often of 2 stories, square buildings with thatched roofs, with family compounds arranged around a courtyard. The Manhyia Palacecomplex drawn in another sketch was similar to a Norman castle, only more elegant in its architecture.

“These 2 story thatched homes of the Ashanti Kingdom were timber framed and the walls were of lath and plaster construction. A tree always stood in the courtyard which was the central point of a family compound. The Tree of Life was the altar for family offerings to God, Nyame. A brass pan sat in the branches of the tree into which offerings were placed. This was the same in every courtyard of every household, temple and palace. The King`s representatives, officials, worked in open-sided buildings. The purpose being that everyone was welcome to see what they were up to.

“The townhouses of Kumase had upstairs toilets in 1817.This city in the 1800s is documented in drawings and photographs. Promenades and public squares, cosmopolitan lives, exquisite architecture and everywhere spotless and ordered, a wealth of architecture, history, prosperity and extremely modern living” – PD Lawton,

The beautiful city of Kumasi was blown up, destroyed by fire, and looted by the British at the end of the 19th century.

Here below are few depictions of the city.


In 1505 Portuguese forces destroyed and burned down the Swahili cities of Kilwa and Mombasa.

The picture below shows an artist’s reconstruction of the sultan’s palace in Kilwa in the 1400’s, followed by other ruins photographs.

Here below are few depictions of Ghana Empire.

Below is an depiction by Olfert Dapper, a Dutch physician and writer, of the 17th century city of Loango (present Congo/Angola) based on descriptions of the place by those who had actually seen it.

Depiction of the City of Mbanza in the Kongo Kingdom

King of Kongo Receiving Dutch Ambassadors, 1642 DO Dapper, Description de lAfrique Traduite du Flamand (1686)

Portuguese Emissaries Received by the King of Kongo, late 16th cent Duarte Lopes, Regnum Congo hoc est warhaffte und eigentliche , Congo in Africa (Franckfort am Mayn, 1609)



Aug 29, 2014
So the white man is paying boko haram to kill their fellow africans? Why people acting like the leaders are from mars? The leaders rose up from the people...the average african will do the exact things that his leaders are doing...shytty leaders, shytty people...
Please read up on Boko Haram and African colonization before posting.



Oct 11, 2014
The mossad? Lemme guess u Muslim right? I know its a Muslim trait to blame the Jews...Africa might have been god's only mistake...the place is worthless, there ain't worth more than a MCchiken..stupid Africans are tribalistic as fukk..200 languages are spoken within 50 miles of each other so the people got nothing in common besides being black...I don't give 2 fukks about which leaders had the best intentions for Africa, the bottom line is its been 60 years and all we see from Africa is those damn feed the children commercials...

Why hasn't this racist fukk been banned already? Literally 90% of this weirdos comments on this site consist of shytting on Africans. Get a fukking life you clown.


Jan 5, 2014
[QUI check TE="DillaTUDE, post: 14147155, member: 20549"]Why hasn't this racist fukk been banned already? Literally 90% of this weirdos comments on this site consist of shytting on Africans. Get a fukking life you clown.[/QUOTE]
So i check mate you and u run with your tails tucked between your legs asking for me to be banned...bytch ass nikka :lolbron:


Jan 5, 2014
TE="Canadadry, post: 14147089, member: 18909"]Please read up on Boko Haram and African colonization before posting.

What are u implying there spike?


Aug 29, 2014
TE="Canadadry, post: 14147089, member: 18909"]Please read up on Boko Haram and African colonization before posting.

What are u implying there spike?

That you're not well read on the subject. It's kinda obvious.


Jan 5, 2014
That you're not well read on the subject. It's kinda obvious.
Living in the past only shows that you have nothing to show for the present/future...showing me old stone buildings from 800 years ago is useless and a waste of me anything of significance that Africa has achieved this century...


Aug 29, 2014
Living in the past only shows that you have nothing to show for the present/future...showing me old stone buildings from 800 years ago is useless and a waste of me anything of significance that Africa has achieved this century...

Who said that?

Many of the African countries just got their independence not even a century ago.

Do you even know how many of those wars got started?


Dec 20, 2014
Ethiopia can finally feed half its people after 2000 years, yea Dats a big achievement :beli:...sokoto caliphate was an african saudi arabia with no oil, basically useless and obsessed with a fake religion...benin sold half its people to the white man fopr cigarettes and chewing gum...african achievements are slim to none...youre listing hypotheticals not facts...


The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
Ethiopia can finally feed half its people after 2000 years, yea Dats a big achievement :beli:...sokoto caliphate was an african saudi arabia with no oil, basically useless and obsessed with a fake religion...benin sold half its people to the white man fopr cigarettes and chewing gum...african achievements are slim to none...youre listing hypotheticals not facts...

European countries suffered periodic famines as well. Ethiopia's famous famine under the dictator Mengistu was man-made.

The rest of your comments are nonsensical and are poorly written.