Im speaking as an alcoholic and booze connoisseur:
1. I never once in my life seen a black person drink everclear. EVER. That is for white boy frat parties.
2. Incredible Hulks taste fukking delicious.
3. Only women order Amaretto Sours. Any man, regardless of race, that orders an amaretto sour doesnt know he's looking like a homo. Who made amaretto sours cool anyways? Before i even started drinking I knew that was a chick drink.
4. Alize is in my opinion every underage drinkers first pick just from hearing it in songs, but i dont think ANYONE drinks Alize after the first few times and then u realize, oh this shyt sucks

5. Malt liquor isn't drank to look cool. Maybe back in the 80's or some shyt but I drink Malt Liquor for a cheap buzz.
6. MD 20/20 was never cool. I drank half a bottle once and threw it out and I'd literally drink anything. I've only seen white trash drinkin that shyt. Black folk usually drink that Cisco shyt.
7. Mixing alcohol with sports drinks I learned from my dominican homie who was out at Columbia University who learned it from white boys because they claim it gets u drunk quicker. Again, i never seen a black dude do this.
8.Hipnotiq does suck.
9. Liquid Viagra I only see offered at cac bars.
10. Thug Passion I never had and I cant say I know anyone who has tried it.
Whenever i read articles like these, i assume the writer is just desperate to post anything. Like fukk my deadline is coming up and i got nothing

I think i could of made a better list and Im not even black. 4 Loko isnt even up there