i'm not surprised and it's understandable.
and the second bolded is fair. what do you think reparations should offer?
I think it should be multi-generational and it should repay and fix everything it took, cheated, broke and profited from.
That includes cash, land, education, protected class/ethnic identity -- and more. I also know it's just not the government that owes - it's thousands of corporations, companies, intellectual property are open and still thriving right now -- etc.
Medical Apartheid, Price of the Pound of Flesh and Half Have Never Been Told, Ebony and Ivories -- open the door to me learning what is really owed.
I can even see many examples in my own family tree of wealth taken and stolen. I can go on but -- I would recommend you learn what was done from enslavement, to Reconstruction (Black codes/Convict Leasing), CRM up to now. To understand.
If Jews can sue a railroad company --
Dutch Railway To Discuss New Reparations imagine the hundreds of thousands of companies we can and should.
I'm still pissed over Henrietta Lacks.