Lol more details about what? You can be pro black and acknowledge/use inventions from non black people. The only thing to wonder about is where is #thankyoublackpeople. Or any other group.I am not going to put Lupe on the c00n train seeing as I practically grew up listening to his music. I need more details.
I hope not.
Lupe has an answer to that tooracial discrimination founded in hundreds of years of oppression that hinders socio-economic progression which creates a generational poverty situation that perpetuates itself. #ThankYouWhitePerson
Why is it somebody always brings up the Traffic light, gas mask, peanut butter trifecta We've done much more than that
He's wrong
He's treating art as seperate from everything else, including white supremacy in society. It's not.
i get it, but was this really necessary
None of these brehs in this thread do. He's trolling with facts and letting the reader fill in the blanks. It's easy.I don't know what he's trying to say