platinum f1a$k
- Do you guys consider hip-hop sampling non-black music as a form of cultural appropriation?
- Do you consider black women with weaves as a form of cultural appropriation?
- Is there anything that the "black community" does that could ever be considered cultural appropriation?
- Or do we have to be in a position of power to do so?
Let's start with a generic definition of cultural appropriation
"Cultural appropriation is the adoption or use of elements of one culture by members of a different culture." - Wikipedia (I know, I know...)
- Sampling is taking an already made product and reiterating it in a NEW form. So technically it is cultural appropriation, since it is by definition using elements of another culture. However, I don't think it is. Sampling was unique to one culture--hip-hop-- but did not take from any one specific culture: sampling jazz, soul, funk, etc. Also, hip-hop was so could take a drum loop, one snare hit, or loop a whole 4 bars, or chop it to infinity, etc. So to paint sampling with the broad brush would be ignorant. It comes down to how sensitive you want to be about the issue, but sampling is not like white news anchors taking "the nae nae" (or however u spell it) and b*stardizing it. There was no creativity there, just b*stardization and cultural misappropriation.
- black women and weaves is about insecurity. Some claim it makes their hair easier to maintain, but I believe it's the effect of constantly being told that you are less-than. Cultural appropriation? Maybe, but I don't see any other culture using weaves as blatantly as black women (I know others use em though).
- Yes; generally shaming labels such as c00n, uncle tom, uppity, talking-white etc. are thrown at em. I don't really think there is a collective black community; we are not on the same page....there is no black agenda, just opportunists and crabs in a barrel (guess I'm a c00n)
- No. power has nothing to do with "adoption or use of elements" of another culture.