cracker was a word used in the british isles to describe a particular ethnic group in the Isles. Redneck has a similar origin.
Honestly, I have heard white people and hispanics use the word ****** dozens if not hundreds of times in my life.
One time recently, almost out of nowhere this mexican guy tells me, "hennessy is for ******s. It's nasty huh?"
One of the more memorable times was when I was in college and working at an odd job. A black girl routinely got away with being late, not showing up, and being rude to everyone. We were all talkng about it in the break room, and I said, " I think she
gets away with it because she is black", and my co-worker (a white guy) says, "Yup, thats that ****** shyt, man! I seen it all throughout my time in army, ******s first dude." Obviously, they did not know or suspet that I was at least part black at all.
I've heard so many times from people I didn't expect it from. people
That even listened to rap music.