I came in here to say....... people are hurt every 90 sec by this shyt.... and that 28 people die every day..
And that these CAC are out here doing this shyt non stop (because I go out w cac and see how they do)
Drunk driving continues to play a major role
in the motor vehicle traffic crash experience
race, ethnic, age and gender divides.
Data showed that the percentage of fatally injured drivers
who were drinking was highest for Native Americ
ans (57%) and Hispanics or Latinos (47%).
This trend appeared to be independent of such
socioeconomic influences as education levels or
the proportion of female-to-male drivers
in the population of
drivers killed.
And as far as child deaths...
More than half
of African American, Native American, and
Hispanic or Latino children under 5
years of age were not in child
safety seats.