Yeah they were surprisingly good, but those issues are Michael Bay for you. Don't think hes involved with this one.Leatherface actually looks kinda scary, 2003 version i dont think they nailed the look, he looked like a wwe wannabee. direction was lacking too but still a decent movie.
Trey Songz is gonna get murked in the most hilarious way............its so demonic
I cant wait..that remake in 2003 was one of the really well done restarts ive seen...hell i even like tcm remakes prequel...too bad the cop aint in this one...
2003 one was pretty good , my problem was how Jessica biel got everyone killed , she made them stop and pick up the girl and go to the house to report her death and wouldn't leave .what kind of a sheriff is that ? I'd dip out of that hick town ASAP She left her friend after he saved she didn't even try to help him fight leatherface just dippedshe pretty much had plot armor on
2003 one was pretty good , my problem was how Jessica biel got everyone killed , she made them stop and pick up the girl and go to the house to report her death and wouldn't leave .what kind of a sheriff is that ? I'd dip out of that hick town ASAP She left her friend after he saved she didn't even try to help him fight leatherface just dippedshe pretty much had plot armor on
Leatherface actually looks kinda scary, 2003 version i dont think they nailed the look, he looked like a wwe wannabee. direction was lacking too but still a decent movie.
the OG should have remained the only film, the franchise didn't do it justice IMO.
and Zombie should have remade this instead of Halloween.
yo and lol @ the random black brother at the end of the OG..Dude looked potential man, where did he sprung out from?