Cloud McFly
All Star
here we fukkin go..
im a horror freak and will watch it like a fool..*slap me*
here we fukkin go..
im a horror freak and will watch it like a fool..*slap me*
Try to do friday the 13th 1-8 boxset every other year or so, also the newest one. Always put on original Halloween on oct 31 and catch most of the rest during october on AMC
There are bad entries in all 3 series but even some of them are worth watchin just to laugh at
I always watch f13 1-6, then skip to the remake. The remaining ones are just so horrible, years pass in between me watching them.
Halloween is being re-released nationwide next month. I'll be able to catch it on the big screen for the first time
Freddy was always trash to me, even when I was a little kid.
This TCM trailer looks generic and too polished. I'll prolly download it.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 [UNCUT] [1986] - YouTube
Idk whats cooler dueling lightsabers or dueling chainsaws
underrated sequel like Pshyco 2.
Idk tua, tcm2 gotta be one of the worst movies ive ever seen. Hooper went campy to the extreme, ....its funny tho but I cant watch this movie and not be high. Always did like the beginning when he saws the top of dudes head off but after that movie is down right bad.