Never understood Elon musk and Tesla teaming up with conservative f 150 drivers and trump.. you would think he would try to align with the liberal save the planet type of ppl lol .. huge fail
You have reached the point of discovery that changes everything.
All of these people: Thiel, Musk, Trump, Zuckerburg, etc have already attempted to buy out the Democrats by way of courting the party elite. They were rebuffed as Dems wouldn’t wield power to make them any more than just really rich. See, they only seek to collect power for incremental change. Liberals/Leftists were either indifferent or supportive of the direction they attempted to represent until each of them thought they were safe to unmask or the failures started to stack/other better options were available. Everyone else was someone who worships wealth or thinks rich means smart.
But you know who is consistently bought by business and will abdicate of their responsibilities to justify anything billionaires want at the expense of the regular person?
You see why George Soros and Bill Gates are so important to their stances. Billionaires are inherently evil, but projection protects their cause. If you see Mark Cuban advocating on the campaign trail, why is it bad that Elon Musk was? You don’t have to justify the bad things because of the bad things on the other side.
So yeah, Obama didn’t push for the bankers to go to jail, but if billionaires want to gut the government for lower taxes…… it’s equal. And that’s why they switched sides.